Dallas Massage Center....what happened?

Fairly new hobbyist here and admitly not an active reviewer. Discovered this place awhile back and it was right up my alley. I understand it's not for everybody but, it met my preferred experience needs. For the last two weeks their website has removed all info on providers and ability to book them individually. Now as of today the website appears to be completely gone. Anyone have any info on what's happened? I assume shut down or whatever...but, surely the girls are still active somewhere? Any info is appreciated. Thank you.
CG2014's Avatar
You mention their website but you don't post the website address.

I GOOGLE Dallas Massage Center and found this


Which gave me this:
Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to dallasmassagecenter.com. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for dallasmassagecenter.com. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *.secureserversites.net, secureserversites.net


I did not go any farther than that warning page.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
CG, I looked also. I truly believe you found the correct url. Even though the connection is https:, the SSL Certificate is not valid, so the connection is considered as Not Secure. This is typical for small business, as you have to renew the Cert every couple of years, and that requires a small amount of knowledge on how to complete the process.

Web Site looks very legit. Services like Hypervolt, EMS Sculpt, and Seaweed Wrap. Appointments are by TXT only (no walkins), 10am-7pm, and closed on Sunday. Not typical for a sub-amp.

Location has a few reviews on RM. L1 looks available, but at a very hefty price. Last commenter said that he got a text saying the they were closed for a "deep clean".

This place appeals to freefunday, but I doubt if it is worthwhile for you (if they ever open again.)