What's it like at a country-western club?

I've lived in Dallas for years but have never been to a country-western club/bar.

Isn't it about time?

Some buddies and I are hitting up Cowboys Red River this weekend.

What the hell do we wear? Should we dress up with the whole hat + plaid shirt + giant belt buckle + boots giddup? (stereotypical cowboy attire)

What types of dancing goes on at such places?

TheWanderer's Avatar
Two-stepping and line dancing.
You don't have to dress up all full-on cowboy but it doesn't hurt.
Good set of boots with some semi-slick bottoms will improve your gliding ability while dancing.
Agree with The Wanderer. Friday is slower with more people around 30-50 years of age. Saturday is there busy night and most of the crowd will be under 25. Casual environment (think jeans and untucked shirt.)
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
It's basically what the two gents above me have described. Lots of two-stepping, which is very easy to master. Saturday is better to go if your goal is finding a hottie, but some of the milfy-type single ladies you'll find on a Friday are easy bangs.
I personally don't enjoy country bars since I hate the music and scene, but it's a good place to pick up college chicks or dtf milfs lol.

Also heads up-- some of the rednecks you'll run into will try to start shit over little things or for no reason. It's pretty annoying. Hillbillies and alcohol don't mix
If one knows how to two-step well, one will ALWAYS have a date every night. The Women LOVE a man who is a great dancer, and will literally line up to dance with him. And there are plenty of good looking women there.

Step on, brother.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Nothing looks better than a woman wearing Rocky Mountain Jeans.

If you can dance, your dance card will be full. Women will have you In a non stop workout all night if you can dance.

Break in your boots if you buy them for Country/Western Club hopping.

My brothers are uglier than sin but they took all styles of dance lessons after high school and learned as many different styles and genres they could.

They trolled Cowboys and other clubs including the Tejano bars and we're getting blown and laid In the parking lots nightly.