Feeling too attached or too close?

sexuser's Avatar
I have seen a few ladies and done a few reviews in the < 2 years, since I have been on the board. I have responded to threads in the national forum in the past about a few topics, but was wanting to get an opinion from guys and any of the providers as well: If hobbyists ever have had a situation where a very regular provider reluctantly and apologetically says that she doesn't wish to see you again because she has formed some emotional connection with you, to where she felt that she was getting "too close" or "attached" to you/Providers who have had to stop seeing someone because they felt that way about a particular hobbyist. I have only had one opinion from a provider so far. Looking for some helpful feedback.

Sooooo ...why don't you guys just civvie date instead of not seeing each other?

Oh ...because she still would want the money. Hmm

Such is life
pyramider's Avatar
It happens. Sometimes there is a connection after all the ladies are human, most of them. When that occurs just back away and play elsewhere. Respect her decision and allow her to conduct her business. But encourage her to post taint.
It happens. Sometimes there is a connection after all the ladies are human, most of them. When that occurs just back away and play elsewhere. Respect her decision and allow her to conduct her business. But encourage her to post taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
+1 Perfect

I can say, I've had to stop seeing a client because things were getting too close. We were doing 100 bucks for 2-3 hours, I was getting feelings, he was getting feelings... I damn well know I'm not ready, nor willing to really commit and settle down, so I pulled back and stopped seeing him. It sucks, but for the sake of not being a cunt and really hurting someone, sometimes the best thing is to walk away. Don't take it personal, it's probably best for both of you.
About a year and a half ago I was seeing a low volume UTR lady regularly for a few months. We started calling and texting regularly. Then we started hanging out before and after our sessions, having dinner, going to movies, etc.. Finally she had me over one night and laid all her cards on the table, asking if I thought there was anyway we could go beyond the relationship we had at that point. I had to sleep on it but ultimately said no. I knew that we would both end up getting hurt in the long run so I immediately stopped contacting her. I know I hurt her but I feel like it was best for both of us in the long run. Wonderful person and if I was more emotionally mature I think it would have worked. I now try to keep a certain amount of distance with any ladies I visit.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
We are not made of stone, and with some of the girls the GFE can be very realistic. I have become close with several girls, and I had one stand in my living room at the end of our session with her telling me over and over again that she loved me. I saw her after that and it was like she caught herself and backed off from that. I have had 2 SBs that wanted to get married, but you spend a lot more time with SBs.