
Do you believe in karma, i.e., the acts and deeds that you do create the framework for acts and deeds what you may, in the future, experience?

In a more colloquial Americanism, it can be summed up in "what goes around comes around."

And if you do believe in (a form of) "karma," does it effectively impact how you act in everyday life? For instance, are you more tolerant of widows, children and the poor because in your belief?

Or do you generally blow off this concept? Is it a fabrication of "do-gooders?"
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I absolutley believe in Karma and it affects all aspects of my life, it keeps me in line so to speak, I live by the Do unto others as you would have them do unto you as Karma will get you if you dont. Treat someone rude, then you deserve to be treated rude & so on...if something bad does happen to me i feel i deserve it for perhaps something i did. So the saying goes ...Karma is a bitch!! So i truly try to do the right thing in all aspects of life for fear of it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I believe in Cause and effect.
I have seen it in real life, watched a friend get raked over by his ex wife, then the ex loses her job, got knocked up by her boy toy who we just found out has Herpes from a previous relationship..
I believe in Cause and effect. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Same here. I do not believe in Karma nor fatalism or anything of that nature. But if you do something to someone or something, depending on who or what, and it is a negative thing you do...well your gonna get a reaction. People will definitely remember you for the things you do wrong. They rarely remember you for the things you do right.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Same here. I do not believe in Karma nor fatalism or anything of that nature. But if you do something to someone or something, depending on who or what, and it is a negative thing you do...well your gonna get a reaction. People will definitely remember you for the things you do wrong. They rarely remember you for the things you do right. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Very well said.
I have seen it in real life, watched a friend get raked over by his ex wife, then the ex loses her job, got knocked up by her boy toy who we just found out has Herpes from a previous relationship.. Originally Posted by Spirit13

Sounds more like someone who is incredibly careless, and maybe the attitude she displayed with her ex husband was how she deals with everyone, maybe she took it out on the wrong person at work. Cause and effect...
You can believe the ONE person that will Definately remember your DEEDS IS GOD! Or what ever Higher Power you may believe in.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Yes, do unto others ...., cast you bread on the water and it will come back .....,
Phychology states that we tend to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Good or bad, karma does pay a visit. I've seen it occur over and over. I first took notice many years ago. A man publicly wrongly attacked my honesty and character. A few months later, he was killed as he was laying with the wife of a jealous husband The husband killed them both, then committed suicide.

A couple of years later, the power of karma was reinforced when I unconditionally gave a lady $500. A month later I received a $600/month raise.

Karma isn't always recognized, but it does visit. Good and bad can happen and it isn't a result of karma. But it's something to think about as one makes decisions.
London Rayne's Avatar
I believe both in Karma and in God...they both repay.

I have also found most recently that being nice to people you would rather slap in the face is not for their benefit, but your own. It releases something inside you, and their slinging arrows go right past you. I try to practice this in my personal life, but lack on the boards lol. If you live with unforgiveness in your heart, it actually hurts you rather than the one you are angry with. It pollutes your mind just as jealousy, anger, rage, and envy do and that stops you from receiving the blessings you feel you deserve.

When you do good to others who hurt you, it forces God or the Universe for some to be able to operate. When you are too busy trying to repay your own enemies you block what could be done by a higher power...that power can usually do a better job of repaying than we ever could.

I tithe out of my need and in faith...meaning BEFORE my bills are paid, and it has never once left me without. When I can't afford to give, I give even more! If you give out of your need meaning what hurts to give up, you will be rewarded with more than you can possibly imagine. Keep in mind the "where" or "what" you give to does not matter. It's the compassion behind your giving that makes the difference. Just because a preacher is robbing people does not mean "your gift" will not be repaid.
I do not believe in Karma or any of that. I think it is an excuse to direct blame on another issue when something shitty happens to you instead of manning up and taking responsibility for one's actions. I like being nice just because I enjoy putting a smile on someone's face, not because I expect a million dollars to come my way because I helped a granny carry her bags to her car.
I believe in Cause and effect. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
What she said
Naomi4u's Avatar
I do not believe in Karma or any of that. I think it is an excuse to direct blame on another issue when something shitty happens to you instead of manning up and taking responsibility for one's actions. I like being nice just because I enjoy putting a smile on someone's face, not because I expect a million dollars to come my way because I helped a granny carry her bags to her car. Originally Posted by SarahAndFriends
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I'm a Buddhist, but I don't buy into the metaphysics of reincarnation so I don't believe in karma per se.

I do believe that acting, speaking, and thinking with compassion, ethics, and consideration makes me a better, happier person today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. If you want to call that karma I'm fine with it. I just call it livin' right.

My teacher says, "Karma is just a mirror that reflects the whole person." Maybe that's the best way you can say it.

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I do believe that acting, speaking, and thinking with compassion, ethics, and consideration makes me a better, happier person today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. If you want to call that karma I'm fine with it. I just call it livin' right.

. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

Then you do what you do for selfish reasons....just as a sociopath does what he does for selfish reasons.

WE all do what we do for selfish reasons, that does not make it bad , it just is. Ask Adam Smith, if ya don't believe me.

As to Karma, I can just say I believe in Karma and beeeeatch's! Not necessarily in that order