So Ben Roethlisberger, Tiger Woods & Charlie Sheen walk into the bar...

atlcomedy's Avatar
Finish this story....

Best response gets a drink(s) on me next time in ATL
Like I'm going to try to think of something really witty for a diet coke.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Even one of those in the cute little retro bottles?
This is Atlanta, those little bottles are pretty common.
But if my next lunch is depending on a punchline, I better come up with something.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Chick Fil A serves Diet Coke
knotty man's Avatar
...they say . hey bartender, have you seen brett favre. bartender says , can you describe him. all 3 drop their pants!
atlcomedy's Avatar
...they say . hey bartender, have you seen brett favre. bartender says , can you describe him. all 3 drop their pants! Originally Posted by knotty man
Sorry, Ans...

Current Leader

That is TFF

but Knotty, if I may add my own alternative to your punchline:

"all three pull out their smartphones"
But if my next lunch is depending on a punchline, I better come up with something. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ans, you never need a punchline - or any other line. As long as I'm breathing, you've got a free lunch, m'dear! Soda included.....
I don't have a good punchline, but speaking of Charlie Sheen, I was in NYC last week and when I found out he was back in Rehab I was pissed!.....Could have made some good money...lmao