Virus Blocking Eccie

Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is very selective virus blocking the Eccie board.

Apparently, my main computer is infected with it.

I was only able to log on with my laptop.

If anyone else encountered this problem and knows how to fix, post the solution.

. . . I've already tried a number of the standard remedies like running Malwarebytes.
jframe2's Avatar
It would be helpful if you gave information as to what happens that leads you to think Eccie is being blocked by a virus.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I thought I just told you.

When I tried to access the site with my usual bookmark on Firefox, it said it could not find the site.

When I typed Eccie in the Google search box, it came up empty.

Something is selectively blocking Eccie because all my other bookmarks are working.

. . . It would appear that something has hijacked my browser, but only away from the Eccie site.
tia travels's Avatar
That's weird, eh?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, it is weird.

This board is deliberately attacked from time to time.

Either an aggressive competitor or someone else does these things simply to hurt the board.

. . . I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!.

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Parental Controls. LOL What virus program do you have. Perhaps you can add ECCIE to your trusted sites. One time I actually blocked my own email.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-26-2012, 02:04 PM
I thought I just told you. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
No, you did not. What you told us was this...

There is very selective virus blocking the Eccie board.

Apparently, my main computer is infected with it.

I was only able to log on with my laptop.

If anyone else encountered this problem and knows how to fix, post the solution.

. . . I've already tried a number of the standard remedies like running Malwarebytes.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
That is not much to go on and little of what you referenced in Post 3 was in that post. Jframe2 is correct. The more specific the information presented the better we will be able to help you.

So, with that in mind...

  • What operating system is in use including version and any service packs?
  • Is your anti-virus and anti-malware software up to date.
  • What version of Firefox is in use? I myself encountered issues with Version 13 and as a result have gone back to Version 12.
  • Have you applied any updates to your operating system or your browser?
  • Have you installed any new plug-ins or add-ons to your browser?
  • Have you gone to and checked to see if your issue has been reported by others or if there is any information that may help you?
  • Can you access other adult oriented sites? Perhaps there is a parental control thing going on.

As you can see, the possibilities can be endless. Specificity is key to finding a resolution.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There are no parental controls on my computer as I am the only one who uses it.

I did have some issues with Windows 7 updates, but finally resolved them.

As for any more specificity, if anyone else encountered this problem, they would know exactly what I was talking about.

. . . My inquiry was directed to anyone who knew what I was talking about and had found a solution. I am not interested in a granular discussion with anyone who wants to be spoon fed.

LaStang's Avatar
check your browsers security to make sure eccie is not blocked in the settings
FG, what Mokoa wrote is not being “spoon fed” but is a normal troubleshooting and diagnosing approach in IT. As I have had problems connecting to Eccie, in a manner similar to what you described, I was able to determine the issue was most likely either my ISP or a router along the way from me to Eccie that had some bad information. In the case of my ISP, they most likely had some ongoing maintenance being performed which took out certain sets of routers, and the alternate paths, from being used.

Since you seem to think it is a virus, which most likely it is not, here are two tools you can use before making another thread like this.

1) Run a tracert at the command prompt by typing the following:
C:\>tracert (then press enter). Follow the white rabbit down the hole to see where she goes. If you see she resolves to something like [], then you most likely don’t have a router problem.

2) Use this url and then enter the url for this site. If it indicates the site is up, then the problem is definitely your computer but most likely not a virus. Further technical work is required to make a determination of what the actual problem might be.

Most likely the problem is not a virus but could be your system. However, it is most likely external to your computer. In a nutshell, without being specific as you desire, the answer to your query is: It depends...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Phantom is right. Non specific shit leads to non specific solutions.

Windows often does security changes when alloying updates. Check ur browser and hopefully u aren 't using IE.

More info means better troubleshooting and more chance of solution. It is ALL about details, details details....
sky_wire's Avatar
Phantom is right. Non specific shit leads to non specific solutions.

Windows often does security changes when alloying updates. Check ur browser and hopefully u aren 't using IE.

More info means better troubleshooting and more chance of solution. It is ALL about details, details details.... Originally Posted by austxjr
garbage in, garbage out. It's one of the oldest computer sayings.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
My computer problem was described specifically enough to be understood by anyone experiencing the same problems.

My hope was for a solution by anyone if they had encountered the same problem.

To suddenly discover that your browser cannot locate Eccie, but remembers most of the other bookmarks indicates a very selective virus or Trojan horse of some type. Then bringing up Google, but coming up empty when you type in Eccie is not only strange, but troubling.

Nevertheless, I had to get a professional to run a diagnostic on my computer remotely and help me rid my system of numerous virus.

You might note that she did her work without asking nearly as many questions as some of you did.

Frankly, I do not believe that my computer was the only one infected with this strange virus and I was hoping that someone had a solution to share to benefit the entire board.

For your information, my own final solution was to get a certified technician who took several hours to clean out my system. She also selected certain upgrades to remove saying they were not compatible with my system.

My theory is that someone is deliberately infecting the Eccie board in the hopes of surreptitiously driving away the members from the board which would logically be either LE or a competitor.

This problem has occurred a few times before, but nothing much was done about it or even explained by the Eccie staff.

. . . Personally, I believe that the Eccie staff should be concerned enough about this recurrent problem to implement more security measures before even more serious damage is done.

Delete all of your browser cookies, then try again and report back

Oh sorry, I just read where you took it to a tech. I'm sure they just cleaned you up a bit, deleted temp files, cookies, disabled and or updated add ons, etc.

However, no viruses are blocking this site. You would need to infect the host file on your computer or block the specific ip address of the eccie server in your browser. Or they could specifically overwork the server with request, a denial of service attack, in which case nobody could get on. They also could put a virus on the server, which would need to grant you access to the server to infect you, so blocking you out would be counter productive.

Either way, thanks for the heads up, glad your on again.

