Taylor Summer Update

I just thought I would stop in and let everyone know what is going on and whats been happening.
I was hospitalized around Thanksgiving for Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

The first symptoms of GBS are usually numbness or tingling (paresthesia) in the toes and fingers, with progressive weakness in the arms and legs over the next few days. Some patients experience paresthesia only in their toes and legs; others only experience symptoms on one side of the body.

The symptoms may stay in this phase, causing only mild difficulty in walking, requiring crutches or a walking stick. However, sometimes the illness progresses, leading to complete paralysis of the arms and legs. About one quarter of the time, the paralysis continues up the chest and freezes the breathing muscles, leaving the patient dependent on a ventilator. If the swallowing muscles are also affected, a feeding tube may be needed.

GBS can affect anybody. It can strike at any age; men may be more likely to develop GBS than women. Although this syndrome is rare (affecting about one to two persons in 100,000) it is the most common cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis in the world.

Here are the sights with the reference material:
Guillian-Barre 1
Guillian-barre 2

My case progressed to the worst level and I was on a venilator and had a feeding tube. I have been recovering for the last few months. I came home on monday. I am walking with braces that keep my ankle still. I still have no feeling in my feet or half my hand, and no muscle movement in my ankles. I am up and about. I thought I would let everyone know what happened and how I am doing. For those who knew I am so thankfull for your prayers and support.

My number is the same but I don't have the same phone. So when you call you'll have to remind me who you are. I am not quite back to work yet but I'll let ya'll know as soon as I am.
I am glad you are starting to get better! Good luck with the recovery!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
steverino50's Avatar
I am so glad to hear that you are doing better. Keep it up!!
Taylor, so glad you are doing better! that must have been scary, best wishes for a complete recovery!
Taylor, happy to hear you are doing better....Will pray for your fast recovery...Take care..

Thanks for all the support everyone. Learning to walk is not easy.
Jade Mackie's Avatar
God bless you Taylor, I hope you're back in good health soon.
Olesweetie's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear that. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
glad to hear you are home and improving. Keep up the good work so we can enjoy your company once again.

Speedy and full recovery to you!

Ping me if ya need anything.

LazurusLong's Avatar
From the first link:
GBS Causes

Guillain-Barre syndrome is not hereditary or contagious. What causes GBS is not known; however, in about half of all cases the onset of the syndrome follows a viral or bacterial infection, such as the following:

* Campylobacteriosis (usually from eating undercooked poultry)
* Flu (influenza), common cold
* Gastrointestinal viral infection
* Infectious mononucleosis
* Porphyria (rare disease of red blood cells)
* Viral hepatitis

A small number of cases have been known to occur after a medical procedure, such as minor surgery.

Guillain-Barre syndrome may be an autoimmune disorder in which the body produces antibodies that damage the myelin sheath that surrounds peripheral nerves. The myelin sheath is a fatty substance that surrounds axons. It increases the speed at which signals travel along the nerves.
Precision45's Avatar
My Dad had Guillain-Barre and the Dr. said it was a direct result of getting the Swine-Flu vaccine back in 77 or 78. I received the vaccine out of the same lot, so I've got my fingers crossed. He had the typical symptoms which slowly progressed over time, numbness, imbalance, blurred (double) vision and a host of other symptoms.

Initially, he was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in the upper part of his spine, but whatever treatment he received didn't do anything, it got worse.

I guess it all came to a head in about 98 when we went to Thanksgiving at my Grandmothers, he fell down and couldn't get up. We rushed him home and he was admitted for 2 weeks getting high-dosages of some form of steroid. After several MRI's and endless blood-work, a Neurologist diagnosed GB. He got better in the sense that he could stand, walk and have a fairly normal life, but he required B12 shots 2-3 times a week. It is a particularly nasty disease. That same vaccine is also responsible for a severe increase in Myasthenia Gravis cases as well. It's in the same family as GB, but it's more like Muscular Dystrophy.

Long-term, he never received any feeling back in his hands and he said his feet always felt like a thousand needles were poking them. The Doctor said most people never get any better, they level out at where they were treated and stay at that point. It was very tough for many years...

So keep that in mind if you got the Swine-Flu vaccine back in the 70's. Taylor you are most definitely in my prayers and I know what you are going through.
Saturn's Avatar
Best wishes for good health!
In response to your quote Lasarus. The doctors had no idea what caused my case. I just got back from a tour in Austin and Houston. I had been to my doctor for a check up not one month before this hit. They have no idea what caused my case. It was very fast onset. I woke up with a pain in the back of my thigh and by the end of the day the paralysis had traveled all the way down my leg and up my arm. By the end of the day 2 both my legs were completely paralized and I couldn't lift my arms. I was admited to the hospital and within 48hrs, was intibated on a venilator with a stomach tube. It was so fast and scary. They had no idea what caused my case. I was tested for everything. I have had a very fast recovery. Sometimes it takes up to a year to recover and the fact that I am up and about and walking with a cane, is a minor miracle. I am so lucky I went to the hospital when I did. Half of the cases may be caused by something crazy, but the other half are unexplained.