If you had to choose one client in the hobby who would you marry?

Since the topic was going on who the men would pick top marry in the hobby, I am curious as to whom the woman in the hobby would marry. Who's the one client that you would marry?
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 02-25-2010, 08:52 AM
This ought to be interesting!! LOL!!
I am betting on zero responses, we are all so wonderful it is impossible to choose just one. LMAO
but Tara's new pictures are nice
  • T-Can
  • 02-25-2010, 09:09 AM
I have already committed myself to a gentleman here. HE knows who he is!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I'm single! I'm just saying.....
I was already given an 'I Do' in the other thread... and SHE is so f'in hawt. We're gonna run away together and all day long and until our lips fall off.

She Cyber Loves me ....

Ms. Tara, you secretly want me too... you'll come around I have faith
mikahranae's Avatar
I don't know if you will get many responses on this....but it's worth a shot!
I forgot his name.
That would be like having to pick a favorite flavor of ice cream, too many sweet ones to choose from! Wasn't that a smooth way to avoid the question?
CanDo01 your Avatar is the best shaved pussy I have ever seen!
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
I forgot his name. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Keep posting. I love your humor.
tsrv4me's Avatar
If not a full name ........Initials might do ....I left the name of the provider I would marry .....but most of you sound like politicians .LOL skirt around the subject and not answer ....But I only know a couple of providers ...but would enjoy seeing whom you all might enjoy...no hard feelings if not me .LOL....T
Marriage is a scary word. But I sure wouldn't mind playing house with a couple of gentlemen. Like others I will keep those names to myself.

Is his name John or was it Steve no wait a minute maybe it was Mike....Well Damn can't remember Next......

Well this one is for you Tara.

I will be honest. (One second I had to digest the thought.)

I would have to say if I was to Marry a "Trick" (John/Jill, client, customer ect.)

It would be MYSELF.... I have tricked off Millions! So it's a wrap.
Good Luck to all left with the dream.