Never mind

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Oh, never mind.
A friend of mine had a friend who ran a massage/body rub business and she needed extra help. I was "open-minded" enough for him to mention it to me.

It was kind of exciting to think about but I was nervous. It actually WAS a difficult decision. After trying out the body rub/L1 deal for a couple of days, I thought it was quite fun.

I have never regretted getting into business and DEFINITELY not going to school for my license. I enjoy what I do now more than ever! Partly because I can "mix up" my days but probably mostly because it is FUN!

I meet some of the most interesting folks, I get some incredible conversation and I get to have some AMAZING fun! Oh yeah, the massage part is almost as relaxing to me as it is to my clients so, as a result, I barely have a blood pressure at all! YAY!
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-27-2010, 02:24 PM
...satisfy my curiosity...I know that the stereotyped motives -- economic desperation, addiction, abusive boyfriends -- may not be frequent enough to justify the stereotypes... Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
And, then again, those may be the reasons more often that you know. Is your second question, "So, tell me all about your kids?"

Despite the always pleasant vnurse's polite and informative answer, I'd suggest you think of a new first question. The answer may not be a happy one and it's really not any of your business.

If you're that curious you can always read some hooker memoir and get your voyeuristic cookies. I know a couple ladies who would not consider it a good conversation starter from a new client.

Just tryin' to be helpful.
lionheart11's Avatar
I know u tried to start a topic SL but it seems J ( HERE I AM TO SAVE THE DAY !! )Fred did not like it. Just having fun Jfred. Don't take it serious. We need some humor here sometime.

BTW: What was the question. Ah forget it, never mind is better.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
lol, yes that's a personal question. I don't mind answering if it's small talk during a session...but honestly it's not that interesting of an answer. I think it's easy to tell who is in it for the "right" reasons, meaning extra spending money, school, or just for the love of normal people are out there!
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-27-2010, 04:59 PM seems J ( HERE I AM TO SAVE THE DAY !! )Fred did not like it... Originally Posted by lionheart11
Dude, at least I don't go around calling myself lionheart! (What's the 11 for, anyway?).

Look, the guy introduced a topic and I responded. Yeah, it wasn't the exactly the kind of response he solicited, but it's an open forum. I didn't know he'd take his football and go home.

He said he was a newbie and ignorant. I thought it worth the effort to clue him in on something he was doing that might get him classified as a bozo in the local sex trade. Was that wrong?

True, some ladies might be cool with that, but some definitely are not. I'm not sure he's to the point where he can tell the difference.

P.S. Leo pectus pectoris, I don't mind ya raggin' on me, but spell my name correctly, please. jfred, no caps.
lionheart11's Avatar
Now see "jfred" u took it serious. "Leo pectus pectoris" (ok nice latin ) Did not mean to offend you. The 11 is my lucky number as is 7. Love to play craps. Roll em 7-11. Winner first roll out. I don t know the user name is just that, a username. Now c mon we are men so lets let it drop. I was kidding.
Personally, I don't find the original question offensive.

Thank you for the kind words in any case, jfred!

For some it may be WAY more personal/painful, etc than others but they don't have to respond. Right?

I see no harm, no foul. There are LOTS of topics that I read here and think "OMG! And people are responding to this?!" It's all a matter of choice. I DO see you guys points though. MAYBE it would be a conversation starter while in session while 'getting to know one another' but he asked. I responded.

By the way, my lucky numbers are 7 and 12!
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-28-2010, 12:51 AM
Now see "jfred" u took it serious...I was kidding. Originally Posted by lionheart11
Well I didn't take it too seriously, actually.

But thank you for clarifying your intent. I had, in fact, interpreted it as your chiding me for being of poor humor.

And, yes, we are both men.
I miss all my fort worth guys and alot of my dallas guys!