Biden Bernie n the Obamas

The putin/trump team will have to tell alot of lies to be reelected. It's hammer time on the orange in chief of ignorant. Twit head will need mucho help from the greedy corporations that own trump org
bambino's Avatar
That is so profound.
Lapdog's Avatar
The putin/trump team will have to tell alot of lies to be reelected. It's hammer time on the orange in chief of ignorant. Twit head will need mucho help from the greedy corporations that own trump org Originally Posted by Tsmokies
If lying is what it's gonna take to get this sonofabitch reelected, then we're probably doomed. Lord know he has the experience in that department. It is truly a shame how gullible and supportive his terminally ignorant base is.
  • oeb11
  • 04-08-2020, 07:15 PM
True Maduro spouting from the OP.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
  • oeb11
  • 04-08-2020, 07:23 PM
I have LD on Ignore - try it - does wonders for a relaxed state of mind - without the stupid socialist drivel to get in the way!
HoeHummer's Avatar
That is so profound. Originally Posted by bambino
True Maduro spouting from the OP. Originally Posted by oeb11
I have LD on Ignore - try it - does wonders for a relaxed state of mind - without the stupid socialist drivel to get in the way! Originally Posted by oeb11
Doesn’t take much, does it boys? Just a simple post and yous immediately go to slavering and foaming day the mouth.

Predictable and reliables.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...It's hammer time ... Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Between Biden, Bernie and Obamas, my money says Michell is swinging the biggest hammer. Juss say'n...
Lapdog's Avatar
I have LD on Ignore - try it - does wonders for a relaxed state of mind - without the stupid socialist drivel to get in the way! Originally Posted by oeb11
Thanks, goober.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So I suppose if someone puts everybody who opposes his opinion on ignores, then they’re just here to participates in a circle jerk, eh?

Wouldn’t it just be simpler to jerk off to the Fox News app?
Lapdog's Avatar
So I suppose if someone puts everybody who opposes his opinion on ignores, then they’re just here to participates in a circle jerk, eh?

Wouldn’t it just be simpler to jerk off to the Fox News app? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
When they hit the ignore button they are admitting that they are ignorant. They choose the ignore button and they choose ignorance.
CrapDog you don't need the ignore button to be comes natural for you like your butt sniffing. Now go fetch some brains!!
Lapdog's Avatar
Ignorance begins at home, junior. Go slap your mother.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So I suppose if someone puts everybody who opposes his opinion on ignores, then they’re just here to participates in a circle jerk, eh?

Wouldn’t it just be simpler to jerk off to the Fox News app? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

assholer... cant you keep your jizz under control? you're a god assful of mess.
Dang!!! Is twit head gonna update the country on Biden Bernie n the Obamas today. Wtf America needs more orange stupid