What's the strictest screening you've seen?

Hey All--
Discussing different options with my new screening assistant, it made me think of the women who require references and ID, work ID, and check their place of work for employment.

What's the strictest screening you've seen, gone through, or if you're a provider, required before?

shorty's Avatar
One that the provider actually called another provider to ask about me!!
PAPA JOE's Avatar
this is just my opinion.

(1) i do not give my real name, or work place .... you do not give me yours. my safety is just as important as yours.

(2) i do not deal with "booking assistants". if you are too busy to talk to me , you're too busy.

(3) i will provide references, you can trust the word of ladies i've seen, or not see me.

i guess i am a dinosaur.
ok , you can pile on now.
shorty's Avatar
All a lady will get from me is my provider references with my eccie handle.
Budman's Avatar
this is just my opinion.

(1) i do not give my real name, or work place .... you do not give me yours. my safety is just as important as yours.

(2) i do not deal with "booking assistants". if you are too busy to talk to me , you're too busy.

(3) i will provide references, you can trust the word of ladies i've seen, or not see me.

i guess i am a dinosaur.
ok , you can pile on now. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
Very well said.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
this is just my opinion.

(1) i do not give my real name, or work place .... you do not give me yours. my safety is just as important as yours.

(2) i do not deal with "booking assistants". if you are too busy to talk to me , you're too busy.

(3) i will provide references, you can trust the word of ladies i've seen, or not see me.

i guess i am a dinosaur.
ok , you can pile on now. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
I'm a dinosaur then too Joe!

My process is simple, here is my P411 request. You can easily see my bio info and every reference I have. Call who you want, don't call...whatever. That is every bit of information you are going to get about me...take it or I take my cash elsewhere. No skin off my nose if you you don't want my money.

That's why I have P411 and why I maintain it. If your not a P411 lady, you will never hear from me.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Beth, there was an interesting thread going in the Security Matters forum that is relevent to this discussion. Comes complete with flowchart! http://www.verifyhim.com/chart1-draft.jpg

I think that's pretty fair. I deal mainly in references and for the most part have been running them myself, but what makes it difficult is a lot of women do not get back to me in a timely manner (1-7 days.) So, insofar as the assistant is concerned, they'll just be responsible for handling the references because I hate, hate, hate sending a request for information through P411, have them no respond, and then say weeks later, "oh, you should email me." So my assistant with be P411ing, then emailing them through their listed profile, and then if the provider doesn't respond-- calling them. Or, if I get a last minute request, calling them that day.

I'll still be handling my scheduling and stuff, since the final details and talking to a person, I feel, are better handled through me.

I might eventually just have my assistant just send a quick email saying, "Hey, SugarBeth will be in your town these days. If you have any specific availability, or questions, let me know, and she will be the one to get back to you."

I do find it curious that some men are so cautious about P411, and don't get me wrong, no program is foolproof. Occasionally I hear through the grapevine that LE has infiltrated LE in such and such a location, but as far as I'm concerned-- it's the best option out there at the moment so long as you never treat it as foolproof.

I have a newbie-client who contacted me and I walked him through P411 and eccie and a few other websites and months later, the best he's done is signed up for an anonymous email at my behest. It's like, dude-- I don't know you, and I can't trust you, and I don't expect you to fall down and trust me either-- but for the love of God, give Gina your info because otherwise you WILL have to give your info to a provider and who knows what type of professional she is.

Edit: Chica-- I did see that flowchart and it did amuse me. Oh, which calls to mind another point I wanted to make about having an assistant, mainly aimed in a friendly manner at PapaJoe: Occasionally there are guys who don't have P411, but want to give me whatever I ask ID-wise and have a couple of non-P411 references. I've only ever been able to seen one. So, I hope having an assistant will alleviate having to deal with the fellows who expect me to chase down their providers, or having to gather their information in a non-P411 way.
shorty's Avatar
Only problem I see with the whole approach on your screening is using an assistant. I for one won't book with someone who uses an assistant. Especially one that doesn't take the time to do there own email or following up with a potential client. An assistant to me sounds like another term for Management/Pimp.
*smile and a small eye roll* I think I just need help at the moment because my inbox organization has gone all to hell. It's hard to have a life on the road when you're continually tied to a computer. I actually like talking to clients on P411 and sometimes on other websites. I feel like this way I can get the least enjoyable aspect of the paperwork, e.g. running down provider references and noting them, and then get to the fun stuff like talking on the phone or through email, and then meeting up and not lose anything when it comes to having everything organized.

I don't have any experience with agencies though I know some friends who've worked for some. I've only ever (to my knowledge) contacted one agency for a reference and I really appreciated how professional they were and quick to respond with information.
I'm sure there's the more stereotypical, heavy-handed agencies out there which would explain your bias, but so far, I just haven't gotten a bad indication first-hand, only from stereotypes and some I've read about online through reviews.
shorty's Avatar
I see where you got a pretty hectic schedule with very little time off. May try not working everyday or just a week at a time. This way you would have more time for the screening and talking to your clients before you arrive at your location.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
Oh, which calls to mind another point I wanted to make about having an assistant, mainly aimed in a friendly manner at PapaJoe: Occasionally there are guys who don't have P411, but want to give me whatever I ask ID-wise and have a couple of non-P411 references. I've only ever been able to seen one. So, I hope having an assistant will alleviate having to deal with the fellows who expect me to chase down their providers, or having to gather their information in a non-P411 way. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
SugarBeth, if i came off as offensive, i did not mean to do so. i apologize. i'm a pretty straight forward gent.

that being said, if i were to try to book with you, would you give me your real name? suppose you get busted, there's my name on your computer / phone. what some gullible gent does is between him and you.
Oh, Papa-- you didn't offend at all-- I just wanted to clarify that some women like myself have assistants that handle just a small part of the paperwork and not the whole "hey, this is so and so, SweetBaby's assistant, I'm going to handle your screening, your scheduling, and you won't have any access to her until the second she or you arrives at the location."

I could see how that would be a total turn-off. In terms of the legal stuff, I don't save phone numbers-- I mean, if a guy is texting me, I'll keep it for a couple of weeks and then it gets deleted. I don't like having phone numbers on my phone. Now, I am going to be getting a second phone, and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that. Nicknames? Luckily, with P411, for the most part, I don't need real names. I just hate when women are like, "if I've okay'd him, he's good to go." I'd rather hear a little bit about him physically so that I know I'm meeting WITH him and not with some LE who's posing as him. And the only stuff on my computer is on my P411, which I'm now erasing old emails and stuff and storing anything I want to keep to help trigger memories about clients on a remote computer so that there's nothing in my possession that would incriminate anyone else.

I don't, however, get the "gullible gent" comment. Everyone should have their own best interests at heart. It doesn't mean it needs to necessarily be to the detriment of all others, but that's how we have a safer hobby-- by being a less easy target (hopefully) than others.

Disclaimer: But of course, this is all a fantasy based on my own efforts to understand the mind of psyche of hobbyists and providers alike and should not in any way be taken as truth or my own personal experience.
I see where you got a pretty hectic schedule with very little time off. May try not working everyday or just a week at a time. This way you would have more time for the screening and talking to your clients before you arrive at your location. Originally Posted by shorty
I've been on the road for two months. Some of it's been vacation time, a lot of it has been work time. But no-- the only way I'd travel for a week would be in one state. I'm going coast to coast at the moment. Which means I easily have another month or two of just road-wandering touring. I don't work everyday, but saying just work a week at a time isn't applicable here. On my days off I certainly don't want to deal with all the stuff I detail below.

I just really don't like screening. The rare provider makes it a joy. Some of them offer some really good info, and others act like I'm inconveniencing them just by asking for a couple of details to facilitate the meeting. I typically am talking to gents a week or two out from where I'm supposed to be which means I'm handling:

1. Up to three cities worth of screening for cities I'm about to go to
2. Chit chat with the gents of cities I'm currently in setting up time and organizing references I've hopefully already attained,
3. Catching up with previous clients just saying hi, or passing on a tidbit they think I'd enjoy, or saying they still have me on their mind, and want to know when I'm coming back.

Mix in all the reference requests, as well as all the tardy references from women who took several weeks to respond for whatever reason (and some are valid, like one had the flu and one was out of the country. A lot of the time it seems like they just don't check P411 regularly) and trying to organize and if I don't stay on top of it each and every day (which can be draining and annoying when I want to go sight-see or do something non-work related) it QUICKLY turns to bedlam.
chefnerd's Avatar
This may be the strictest anyone has seen. As you can tell, the consensus is NFW on the screening at her website. Even though I'm a newbie here, I can see a whole lot of red flags.
