Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

Facial recognition software takes a look at a person's face and it can match it up to find a file photo.
Even if that person wears a disguise. So in the near future you could take a picture of someone on the street and upload it to facebook on your I Phone and you could see their facebook page while you are still walking by them.

Very creepy.
EJunkie's Avatar
And not just faces. The basic technology is graphics recognition. So (particularly for the ladies) wear a unique piece of jewelry in a photo shoot; that jewelry could be searched on the internet. Maybe a family photo on Facebook?

Not generally available to that level now; but feasible and remember once on the internet always on the internet.
google's picasso has a face recognition that was pretty scary for free software.
Another good reason to never have your face or other really distinctive characteristics showing in your work pics if you aren't "out". Not that that's going to eliminate all possibility of e-stalking or whatever, but it sure doesn't hurt.
coool :-) I am a passionate cyberstalker (hehehehehehehe)
Mazomaniac's Avatar
So I just fired up the facial recognition software and ran this:

It came back with a hit on this:

Guess that explains a lot of things around here.

Mazomaniac's Avatar
Just to double check I ran this:

and it gave me a hit on this:

so the software is obviously working correctly.

Cheers again,
atlcomedy's Avatar
I thought only my friends could see my page

At least when my settings are set up properly

Or they haven't made "updates""

But, in any case even if it isn't FB, I can clearly see something like this coming in the future. I can also see its early versions being horrible, like early voice recognition systems, you know:

"Please state the name of the employee you would like to speak to"

"Barry Hunt"

"If you would like to speak to Harry Cunt please press 1...."
atlcomedy's Avatar
One cool thing FB has, although it is kind of creepy, is "Check in" where you can let friends know where you are at (altough the GPS is imperfect).

I would always want it to be opt in but it would be cool if using GPS you could meet up with/run into friends a big events like say Mardi Gras or a St. Paddys Day Parade.
Just to double check I ran this:

and it gave me a hit on this:

so the software is obviously working correctly.

Cheers again,
Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Mazo, is that the sublimal reason for picking your avatar lol?
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
I believe it will soon become more and more difficult to hobby in a lazy or casual way. Technology is advancing at such an alarming rate that SECRET vice may be a thing of the past.
I would always want it to be opt in but it would be cool if using GPS you could meet up with/run into friends a big events like say Mardi Gras or a St. Paddys Day Parade. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
There is an iPhone/Blackberry app called Loopt that allows you to do just that. It works pretty well, from what I recall.
One cool thing FB has, although it is kind of creepy, is "Check in" where you can let friends know where you are at (altough the GPS is imperfect).

I would always want it to be opt in but it would be cool if using GPS you could meet up with/run into friends a big events like say Mardi Gras or a St. Paddys Day Parade. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
. In theory, it sounds great but...
People would know that you aren't at home and could potentially break in? Yes, people do this irl. You could have an alarm at home and it would still take at least 10-15 mins for the cops to show up (in a good neighborhood). Safety first.

Information is power.

The facial recognition software is very handy in identifying people in footage from surveillance cameras. Big brother is watching.

Sorry if I freaked anybody out, but the truth is the truth.
This is old news and nothing ground breaking to begin with, the US gov has always been pushing the line on privacy invasion or anything close to it. I used to care but I don't have anything to hide now days so screw it. They aren't putting ridiculous amounts of money along with R&D into it to bust someone on a misdemeanor charge with a hundred dollar fine. My complaint would be the fact that they are generally hypocrites about it.
. In theory, it sounds great but...
People would know that you aren't at home and could potentially break in? Yes, people do this irl. You could have an alarm at home and it would still take at least 10-15 mins for the cops to show up (in a good neighborhood). Safety first. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
I agree, and it's one reason I don't use programs like that. But the main reason is that if I want certain people to know where I am, I tell them. The whole damn Internet doesn't need to know too.

Some of my friends who use these sorts of programs only "check in" as they're leaving the place, so as to hopefully not invite break-ins.