Boardman vs. Raphael


Better watch in slo-mo to see who wins before commenting...
boardman's Avatar
The lynch mob rules..........
Wayward's Avatar
Sometimes it's better to read the comments, that to lead the "Lynch Mob".
boardman's Avatar
Point taken
Wayward's Avatar
Points taken Originally Posted by boardman
Fixed that for you Cat Daddy.
boardman's Avatar
Hybrid Technology at it's finest.


Better watch in slo-mo to see who wins before commenting... Originally Posted by Wakeup
"Pwned" is not a word I looked it up.....Your point is MOOT.......

That just irritates the shit out of me when people do that! It's "owned" not "Pwned". Get it through your heads people. Irritating I tell you, irritating.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-09-2010, 12:32 PM
that is a real word I remember when they started using it on G4 network on the show "attack of the Show". It is Powned don't know why they leave the O out of it. I think it was a combination of Punked and Owned.

How can someone that uses google translate tell me what is a real word and what is not?
1. pwned

A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."

Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."

It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.

"Man, I rock at my job, but I still got a bad evaluation. I was pwned."


"That team totally pwned us."

So it seems that you're wrong.... again

Well I guess no one told Google. I'll get right on that....No one told YOU Trey, it was a blanket statement

When I put in in Google Translate it READ:

" STFU and stop making up words you morons, don't you have anything better do to? DAMN get off me, get on your Rosetta Stone already. Shiznit! " I took that to mean it was NOT a word.
Look up "Epic Fail" in Google and see what you get, then triple it...
Look up "Epic Fail" in Google and see what you get, then triple it... Originally Posted by Wakeup

And it showed your avatar.....Who knew it could do that!?"
And it showed your avatar.....Who knew it could do that!?" Originally Posted by jasmin
Look sweetie, you made a mistake. Instead of getting cunty, just own it. Say "damn, I screwed that one up" and move on. It's a free life lesson for ya, people will think you're less of a bitch. Accept your mistakes and move on, it's better for all of you.
I'm not getting "cunty". I'm cool by being thought of as a bitch. I much prefer "sarcastic bitch". I know what I am and what I'm not. Instead of "Eccie Life Lessons" just laugh it off. It's much more fun if you just laugh........

Ok I pwned it, are you happy now?