Liberal SCOTUS Justice Took $3M From Book Publisher, Didn’t Recuse From Its Cases

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Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor declined to recuse herself from multiple copyright infringement cases involving book publisher Penguin Random House despite having been paid millions by the firm for her books, making it by far her largest source of income, records show.

In 2010, she got a $1.2 million book advance from Knopf Doubleday Group, a part of the conglomerate. In 2012, she reported receiving two advance payments from the publisher totaling $1.9 million.

In 2013, Sotomayor voted in a decision for whether the court should hear a case against the publisher called Aaron Greenspan v. Random House, despite then-fellow Justice Stephen Breyer recusing after also receiving money from the publisher. Greenspan was a Harvard classmate of Mark Zuckerberg’s who wrote a book about the founding of Facebook and contended that Random House rejected his book proposal and then awarded a deal to another author who copied his book and eventually turned it into the movie The Social Network.

... I have a few things to say on this issue.

Just as in the Clarence Thomas situation - the people
on the Supreme Court are NOT there to recuse themselves
just because the issue may "hit close to home"...

The nine people there ALL need to vote, just as they
are the "FINAL VOICE" in the decision-making.

... For example, IF the issue is abortion, and let's say
Justice Dundee's own daughter has had two abortions,
I STILL believe Justice Dundee should NOT recuse
and should give a vote and decision on the issue at hand.
As one of the Nine.

... Just me-own thought and opinion on the matter.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Salty, this is quite different from the Clarence Thomas situation who went on vacation with a rich friend but the friend had no business before the court. So there was no case to recuse himself from

In Sotomayor's case, her quasi employer who paid her millions had actual cases before the court, which was an actual conflict of interest. Justice Stephen Breyer recognized this and recused himself since he too had received money from the publisher with the case before the court. Why did Breyer recuse himself but not Sotomayor?
berryberry's Avatar
Was someone mentioning bribes?