Hope I'm posting this is the correct forum. I apologize if I'm not. I will keep this brief but have full intentions on another post soon going into further depth of the hell I've had.

So in keeping things short. A asshole not only hacked all my accounts that have ever existed... but completely hijacked both my computer and phone. All my personal pictures, accounts and info I have lost. I was able to resecure my eccie account but had to delete my contact email and in doing so lost the google voice number I had attached.

If you have sent me text I have not received them. If you'd like my new information and I have seen you before please pm me. I don't want to lose all the great people I've met! :-(

Also if you have received any text or emails from me that just seemed to not sound right or like me it probably wasn't. Pm me if you think this might of happened.

I have everything handled now and got a pretty good idea on the person/s responsible. If it is who I think it is this message is to you...(for those wondering yes they have a account on the board... multiple) anyways you have tried to get to me for quite some time now and have no reasoning for it. Its one thing to try and effect my business. Its another to mess with my life! Putting not only me but my child and people I care about in danger is crossing the line. What you're doing is not only wrong. Its illegal. In case you didn't know.

That is all. Thank you everyone for your time. I really hope they did not win in keeping yall away...=[
Damn that sucks , good luck with the corrections !
Thank you sir! I think I have it all taken care of now... *fingers crossed*
ffireman's Avatar
Glad to hear your side of the story. Always want to see what happen before making my decisions base on one side. That is one problem I'm been trying to work on at my place of employment. But I have a lot if more resources at my disposal
Still Looking's Avatar
And I thought you forgot about me
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Chase, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It's unfortunate that a hand full of bad apples in this community can ruin it for the rest of us. I hope you get everything resolved and stay with us here in the community.
fun2come's Avatar
Chase, sorry this happened to you.
Fixing it, however is only the first step. You also need to better protect and safeguard.
I hope you have taken steps in that direction as well.
That's a shame. Sorry to hear about your dilemma. That's a pathetic thing to do to another person. Don't worry,Karma will comeback 10 fold on them sooner or later. Hope everything works out for the best.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Damn, that sucks. You're such a sweetie, though, even an asshole like that couldn't make you sour...
Thank you everyone very very much! Right now I am not getting on a computer until I do know how to protect myself. I have also stepped screening up even more.

Still looking- I'd never do that.
Whos your daddy - I wont let a few bad apples keep me from good ones all around. I'm not going anywhere yet... hence my KMA ad as yall have called it. Lol
Fun2come taking all suggestions on what to do.
Navyguy-thank you! Strong believer in karma... people get what they give. I won't let it get me too down for too long.
Yssup- awww I adore you! Have you ever had a warhead candy? That's kinda how I am toward this situation. Only sour a moment then yummy sweet goodness... the blue and purple ones of course. Always the best ;-) lol
fun2come's Avatar
Chase, if somebody tells you to use an iCondom, that won't protect you !!!

To provide detailed suggestions one would need to know your set up.
In general -

1) Lock your computer/phone with a PowerOn Pin/password (make it different for each device)

2) Use UserIds/password that are non obvious. AND use different ones for email/eccie/ P411/..... Sometimes you do NOT have a choice on UserIDs (and it needs to be your email, but if you have a choice use something that people don't know you by (for example - IAMAVIRGIN - don't use that, just an example).
Passwords - Make ALL Passwords at least 8 characters long, use different ones for different accounts and don't write them down on a list and never give them to anybody.
Make them so you can remember and use letters, numbers, special characters (if allowed).
For example for Eccie: I need to kick 1 ASS on Eccie (Intk1AoE)
P411: Hopefully there are no Asses on P 411 (HtanAoP4)

Change passwords at minimum every 90 days.

3) Never let anybody use your computer/phone.

4) When connecting to the Internet (WiFi) never use an Open or Unknown WifiSpot.

5) When not using your computer/phone "lock" it, so one needs to use a password/pin to do any work.

I think that covers the most common security measures. And if all that fails, there is always the iCondom, lol
Yay! Thank you for taking the time to type that. From all you said I've done everything right this time around. My computer is effed so getting another and ill so the same thing. Now not to sound dumb but w hat is a poweron pin. Exactly what I think it is? Lol I have a pin once phone is on. No computer yet but I'll do one there too.
fun2come's Avatar
Power On Pin/PWD: As long as you need to type in a PIN or password before you can use anything on your device you should be ok.

The trick is how to set it and that differs from device to device. But you are motivated, you will figure it out. If not I will help you like this