I have a stalker...

I had a client that went through my purse while I was sleeping, which was a complete breach of privacy. That was almost a year ago... And he won't go away. He has my address, my full name, my phone number, everything. He sends weird emails saying I'm in love with him, sends pictures of Barbie dolls (da fuq?), calls and leaves odd voicemails and now just started sending gifts and hand written letters to my residence.

I have given this guy the silent treatment since he started acting creepy, and we only went on two dinner dates and an overnight. I have all of his information and don't understand what he's hoping to accomplish with acting like this. I don't understand what the end game is? He has a lot to lose, a successful career in addition to his wife and three kids.

Ladies, what has been your experience with creepy dudes? Should I tell him to just fuck off? Should I break the silent treatment and ask him what he wants?

Guys, I know I'm super desirable and all, but can you explain what's up with this guy, and how I should handle it?

Continue to ignore him.
Change your phone number
Change your email
If he ever sends anything threatening call the authorities.
Put him on some of the blacklist sites.

If he is a member here, post his handle. In infoshare if not in alerts.

Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him.

And in the future, lock your id in the car
Obviously the silent treatment hasn't worked. He may be taking your silence as indifference. Try telling him directly, firmly, but politely, that his actions are inappropriate and he should stop. Be polite. Try that first.
beachcomber789's Avatar
Ignore him, change numbers and email. If that does not work then you need to do more. Maybe have an Attorney (friend or client) call him at work and tell him to back off.
Sorry about what you are going through, OP. I know about stalkers, I have a couple that members that are cyberstalkers of me on this site. It is very ironic that my biggest one has posted on this thread and he should know how a stalker thinks/acts very well, as he has said "Obsessed people are not rational. You cannot reason with him." It is not pretty, the guys are fixated to the point where they are nuts, have agendas and need some serious personal counseling/therapy but there is very little you can do other than ignore them hoping that they will go away on here.

However, since this is RW you are talking about, and you say you have his info, there is an anti stalking law and the law on stalking can be found in section 42.072 of the Texas penal code and is a 3rd degree felony so jail time could be in his future if he does not leave you alone. Being nice and polite will not work as others have said because his elevator does not go all the way to the top, so I would threaten to turn him in, or better yet, just do it without his knowledge, but first you have to prove and provide evidence of his stalking ways (document each incident, keep threatening notes, record phone calls, ect.) before going to the police and get a restraining order in place right away, then take him to court.
Lifeking's Avatar
Ignore is the most common solution, but it depends. Read "The Gift of Fear" from Gavin De Becker. He is an expert.
Ze is the only person I've seen write "da fuq"....probably a coincidence. Ignore him....or tell him you'll fuck him for 5k a pop
bored@home's Avatar
Ze is the only person I've seen write "da fuq"....probably a coincidence. Ignore him....or tell him you'll fuck him for 5k a pop
. Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Smells like SP to me...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Dafuq is a common phrase.....
omakase's Avatar
Wait, this guy has a wife, kids, and a promising career? And you have all of his personal information? AND he knows you have his information?

Am I the only one who wants to play with fire?

The rational thing is to escalate the response with a sternly worded letter with a warning that you there a warning that you will seek turn his information over to the proper authorities.

The Machiavellian response is to escalate the response with a sternly worded letter and embarrass him at his place of work. Whether by calling his supervisor to confirm his employment for screening purposes. Or perhaps, mailing him a photo of his correspondences to his workplace.
What a creep for going through your things! I had a client do that to be before too and took a picture of my ID with his phone. After that I started leaving everything in my car when going somewhere to meet a client. I wouldn't text him to ask what he wants because that would give him this false of power that he does not need, especially now. I would honestly just block him and keep record of everything and anything that may occur with him. If he starts to really show is ass so to speak, gather that collection of evidence and get the authorities involved.
Mojojo's Avatar
A guy went through your purse? Hmmmm was it a satchel or are you two guys into another realm type of stuff here? Your profile gender says Male.
Get off my nuts Mojojo.
Mojojo's Avatar
Done son.
Patrick_Bateman's Avatar
Cool story, bro.