When do you visit most?

Guest071315's Avatar
Looking to change my hours and I'm leaning toward one but not before I do my research!

Hope all is well on the boards!!

dwl318's Avatar
nothing better than being the first of the day. auh the taste of wakeup pussy nothing like it. early morning the provider normally might have a clear head and fresh thoughts for a new days. what a way to start both folks days.
netman's Avatar

You failed to include days of the week. I can only hobby during the weekend (unless I take a day off from work). Early/Mid morning Saturday works best for me. (hint hint ).

pmdelites's Avatar
in addition to times, location also figures into my selection process.
plus a whole lot more subjective criteria.
kenpachi's Avatar
i do early so i can be the first one also
matchingmole's Avatar
After midnight
TexTushHog's Avatar
Usually when I'm in town on business alone or without the SO. In either instance it's always after 6 p.m. or so, and often after 8 p.m. If it's before 6 p.m., I'm working.