Doubles; lets talk about them.

I've often wondered if the holy grail of being with two women at the same time is all that we make it out to be. Sometimes a fantansy is best left as just that, a fantansy.
Anyone here have any experience they'd be willing to share?
And Ladies, dont be shy. Any of you partake? Experiences you'd be willing to share?
Gladiator69's Avatar
I have done a doubles session once with two women I had seen separately prior to the doubles session, and in all honesty I prefer the single sessions as I would rather give and receive 100% attention to/from one partner and enjoy her to the fullest than divide my time between two beautiful ladies. I'm sure I'm in the minority here tho, but it's what I prefer....good discussion topic tho
Thats exactly what I wonder about. An example....I have a birddog that is fucking obsessed with everything with feathers or fur. He runs around my back yard like a mainiac looking for rabbits, birds, etc....but unable to focus on just one. Part of me thinks I might be just like that, "which pussy to focus one, which set of boobs, etc..." and by default, missing them both. Sounds like a good problem to have there such a thing as too much pussy?
Gladiator69's Avatar
Thats exactly what I wonder about. An example....I have a birddog that is fucking obsessed with everything with feathers or fur. He runs around my back yard like a mainiac looking for rabbits, birds, etc....but unable to focus on just one. Part of me thinks I might be just like that, "which pussy to focus one, which set of boobs, etc..." and by default, missing them both. Sounds like a good problem to have there such a thing as too much pussy? Originally Posted by Nonyabiz
is there such a thing as too much pussy? In my opinion, overall no, at one time, yes
A buddy of mine claims to have scored a "non-hobby" double not long ago. He mentioned that if the ladys really are into each other, it makes the experience all the better. The danger is trying to force it or press the action too much, but rather let them lead and take your shots when and where the opportunity presents. This kinda of made sense to me given the over excited birddog example I mentioned above.
livn2do's Avatar
Ive had my share of doubles and in all honesty had a fucking blast. 2 in particular. It helps if the chicks are bi. Dallas and Renee was awesome. The shear energy that Dallas brought to the table wore us both out by the time we left. My favorite double ever though was Renee and Gail. I dont think I'll even attempt to top it. You can read about it if you want under reviews and ironically enough I titled it the Holy Grail.

All that being said Ive got to side with Glad. While I think its something that every pussy lover has on their bucket list, nothing can replace the one on one attention that a seasoned provider can give
Yes, they can be every bit of reality you dream 'em to be. I've had some abso-f'ing-lutely mind bending doubles appointments. The advice given already is spot on--the girls have to be into one another and have to know each other very intimately. Otherwise there can be a sense of "who does what" and "where do we go from here" from the ladies--which can lead to doubt and inhibitions from all parties. As the guy, I find it awesome to be able to take a break and enjoy women enjoying each other. If you're looking for a great experience establish a relationship with a bi lady first, and then seek out your request when you're comfortable together. As a side note, I've had my favorite doubles experiences in larger metro areas--there seem to be more providers and thus more niche marketing. And yes, you can't go wrong with quality 1-on-1 time anytime. Good Luck!
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Goin back to Vegas in a few weeks. Set up a 3day date this time. She mentioned in a pm that maybe we'll get lucky & pickup a civie somewhere to join us. I've never been w/2 ladies at once, not even a big desire to for reasons stated above. That being said, I DO like how she's thinking!
Nice, Vegas. I hope that works out for you!

The thoughts about seeking out a lady who is truely Bi seems like good advice. I think some ladys could be "bi" for a price, and not really be into it.
IABart's Avatar
Why not start with a couple of singles with a duo you know doubles and then throw in a double? that way everyone knows anything else, being at ease with each other(s) goes a long way. That and you'll already have had 'em both alone so where u finish u won't care! Although a few of the posts above suggest solo has its benefits. I started in a duo and then did solos, all were fun-
Thats exactly what I wonder about. An example....I have a birddog that is fucking obsessed with everything with feathers or fur. He runs around my back yard like a mainiac looking for rabbits, birds, etc....but unable to focus on just one. Part of me thinks I might be just like that, "which pussy to focus one, which set of boobs, etc..." and by default, missing them both. Sounds like a good problem to have there such a thing as too much pussy? Originally Posted by Nonyabiz
LMFAO..LOL I know that..I had a border collie....throw one tennis ball no big deal...throw 2 or more he`d run around looking like "i have to get tjhem all!!!!
My girl friend and I will be Visiting Des Moines May 14-17th.

We offer Doubles, and have stellar Reviews.

If both girls are truly into each other, love to be adventurous and enjoy having Fun in a group setting...

Then Fulfilling a Threesome Fantasy can be Amazing!
I've done two doubles. Each was off the charts amazing.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
One of my favorite memories is of a doubles session. I had us meet in the lounge. I was to wear a suit and tie and they were to wear heals and makeup. Dress as if I was someone you very much wanted to want you I told them. The gals knew of each other online but had never met. One was in her 30’s and wore a tight skirt and a crisp blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her hair was up and she had a kind face. I liked her even before she said a word.
The other was in her early 20’s. She had a micro waist and legs that went on forever. She wore a shimmering blue cocktail dress that clung to her as if it loved her and never wanted to lose her.
She said “This will be a first for me, but I always wanted to.”

“She’s pretty but if she calls me “Babe” I may pay her to leave early.”
I think to myself. “Yeah right.” My dick says.
We sat in a dark booth but I was surprised because the older gal made sure she sat in the middle.
I cocked my head and gave her a quizzical look.
She reached over, squeezed my hand and winked.
The younger gal was taking in the loud music and swayed back and forth with it.
Myself I am wired to take charge so when the waitress came by I gently took her hand and gave her a 50.
She looked a little startled but recovered very quickly and smiled. But before I could order the older gal took her attention and ordered drinks. The waitress asks and gets both ladies ID’s and nods then leaves.
At this point I’m wondering WTF is happening here but this experience is pretty f’n cool so far.
I’m now on my second drink and I almost forgot that I’m paying for all of this. I tell myself to bury those thoughts because they can ruin a good party.
Younger leans over to shout something to me with a big smile and I notice her hand is on older’s thigh.
“I’m such an animal.” I think.
I get up and offer my hand to older. She takes it, gets up and gives me a soft kiss. “Damn that’s warm and soft.” I think. I also noticed when her tits pressed against me. Younger is in tow, gets up and starts to giggle.
Making our way to the elevator I keep my head up like I belong here.
In the elevator we are alone on our way up.
It’s then I realize the gals are holding hands.
Older is looking at my eyes and is smiling.
Younger glances and smiles at me then looks at older.
Go On...

You had me at suit.