California College Forbids Passing Out Constitutions...On Constitution Day

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MODESTO, Calif., September 19, 2013—In a stunning illustration of the attitude taken towards free speech by too many colleges across the United States, Modesto Junior College in California told a student that he could not pass out copies of the United States Constitution outside the student center on September 17, 2013—Constitution Day. Captured on video, college police and administrators demanded that Robert Van Tuinen stop passing out Constitution pamphlets and told him that he would only be allowed to pass them out in the college’s tiny free speech zone, and only after scheduling it several days or weeks ahead of time. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has written to Modesto, demanding that the college rescind this policy immediately.

“The video of Modesto Junior College police and administrators stubbornly denying a public college student’s right to freely pass out pamphlets to fellow students—copies of the Constitution, no less!—should send a chill down the spine of every American,” said FIRE Senior Vice President Robert Shibley. “Worse, FIRE’s research shows that Modesto Junior College is hardly alone in its fear of free speech. In fact, one in six of America’s 400 largest and most prestigious colleges have ‘free speech zones’ limiting where speech can take place. This video brings to life the deeply depressing reality of the climate for free speech on campus.”

Van Tuinen began his efforts to pass out the U.S. Constitution to fellow students outside the student center. He reports that after less than 10 minutes, a campus police officer arrived and informed him that any time anything was being passed out on campus it had to be registered with the Student Development office. After unsuccessfully attempting to convince the officer that this would impair his freedom of speech, Van Tuinen went into the student center at the officer’s request.

Once inside, Van Tuinen (who had expected the college to object to the distribution) explains to the officer that he is trying to start a chapter of Young Americans for Liberty on campus and is passing out Constitutions to spark student interest. The officer tells him that “as a student on campus passing out anything whatsoever, you have to have permission through the Student Development office.” An increasingly nervous Van Tuinen’s accurate protestations that this violates his First Amendment rights are repeatedly ignored, and he eventually reports to the Student Development office.

Upon arriving at that office, Van Tuinen talks with administrator Christine Serrano, who tells him that because of “a time, place, and manner,” he can only pass out literature inside the “free speech area,” which she informs him is “in front of the student center, in that little cement area.” She asks him to fill out an application and asks to photocopy his student ID. Hauling out a binder, Serrano says that she has “two people on campus right now, so you’d have to wait until either the 20th, 27th, or you can go into October.” Van Tuinen protests that he wants to pass out the Constitution on Constitution Day, at which point Serrano dismissively tells him “you really don’t need to keep going on.”

Ultimately, Serrano, after a phone call to an unnamed person in which she says that Van Tuinen “just wants to question the authority of why can’t he hand out constitutional-type of papers,” tells him he will have to make an appointment with Vice President of Student Services Brenda Thames so that she can further explain to him “what the time, place, and manner is.” You can see the whole exchange in the video below.
I would walk across the street on the public sidewalk and had them out.
I would walk across the street holding hands with Hanoi Cog on the public sidewalk and had them out. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fixed it for ya!
Fixed it for ya! Originally Posted by bigtex
You wear a pair of cobweb trousers, like a man who, being naked, put on a new to hide his shame.
You wear a pair of cobweb trousers, like a man who, being naked, put on a new to hide his shame. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Is that supposed to make sense?

If so, you failed once again!

"Sweet Ass" IIFFY must be related to the Idiot Twins, JD and IB!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You wear a pair of cobweb trousers, like a man who, being naked, put on a new to hide his shame. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ingles por favor!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ingles por favor! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

They are taking applications
Do you really want Assup working inside a pharmacy?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We ARE referring to "Live Music Capital of the WORLD!" here.....
I B Hankering's Avatar
We ARE referring to "Live Music Capital of the WORLD!" here..... Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Speaking of music . . .

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You wear a pair of cobweb trousers, like a man who, being naked, put on a new to hide his shame. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
ahem, I'd like someone to explain this,to the rest of us. CC? Why not start with you. Unless YOU'RE posting as JL now...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ahem, I'd like someone to explain this,to the rest of us. CC? Why not start with you. Unless YOU'RE posting as JL now...
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

now who's off his meds?