Free Website Contest (No this is not spam don't worry...)

So here's the deal:

I'm tired of the Black Cobra name and I want a new one.

Thus a contest: From now until May 25, 2014, for whoever participates, I am going to take suggestions on a new name for my web and graphic design business. This is open to anybody that could use a free, professionally designed website.

First and second place winners will get websites. The first place winner will be the one that makes the winning submission that becomes the new name of the business. The second place winner will be the one that makes the submission that I like enough to make it my highest end package.

Winners will get a website, designed in the color scheme they wish, optimized for desktop and mobile visitors, along with whatever multimedia they want to slap on there. I will buy your domain and host your website, too.

One submission per person and you must be a provider, forum moderator, or a hobbyist. The website can be anything you want except for anything that is deliberately aiming to harm or screw others, a membership site, a social networking site, or a e-commerce site with more than 50 items for sale. If there are two or more of you that make the same submission, and that submission ends up being in first or second place, the person that made the submission first will be the winner.

About me: I'm a mid-20s, easy to work with, black web and graphic designer in Houston. I don't do the hip hop thing, I speak perfect English, I cuss like a drunken sailor, I own a mainstream web and graphic design firm, and I am a finance major. This should give you some idea of how I am. Be creative, but please think of what would fit me. Good luck and have fun! You can private message submissions or reply here.
This sounds like fun and I love a challenge. But, I'll probably be awake all night trying to come up with something that will win. Great Idea!
Four more days everyone!
Beau Derierre's Avatar



By putting your company name in your slogan, every time people hear it and see it, they re-imprint it and keep it top-of-mind
KyraKincade's Avatar
Question: Are you tired of the entire Cobra idea? Or are you looking to incorporate something along those lines in the new name? Do you only service providers with your company?
A play on, "made in America" how about, "designed in America."
Or american designed as opposed to american made.
@Kyra I'm tired of the whole Cobra idea. I primarily serve amateur models and cam girls but providers are an addition.

Keep the suggestions coming everyone!
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
Sweep The Leg Web Design
Beau Derierre's Avatar





Schmafty's Avatar
I primarily serve amateur models and cam girls but providers are an addition. Originally Posted by blackcobrawebdesign
I'm going with: Model Citizen Web Design
PokerMan's Avatar
I am a website owner that develops college sports websites, community websites, and small business websites. I think your name should explain who you are targeting and what you do, hence the name: (It is available on GoDaddy.) The name lets you offer web design services, photo editing, video creation, hosting, and many other services.
I hope I win!
Jagermonster's Avatar
Why would you change a name if you're "tired" of it? If you build up a brand why change the name?
designeus .co. Sweet, short and brand-able.
Why would you change a name if you're "tired" of it? If you build up a brand why change the name? Originally Posted by Jagermonster
Well, to answer your question:

I don't really find it very marketable, and it just isn'

I've been conflicted about changing the name, but ultimately, I need the name to reflect myself and what I do someone that provides high-end, clean, classy, adult websites that are free of the typical sexual, hyper-pornographic sensationalist sleaze at a very affordable price for select clients.
Jagermonster's Avatar
Okay, thats a good explanation. I wish I had some ideas for you. You should have posted that info in the initial post.

My screenname doesn't suit me either since Im not much of a monster(at least not in my pants) and I havent drank Jager in forever.