After 5 years of reading and posting in this arena it's time I collected some data. This information will be compiled in such a way as to make as much possible fun of stupidity on this board as felinely possible. I will publish my findings as soon as there is anything I am sure will make certain people laugh...Like those with a sense of humor.
I feel I've posted some really dumb shit in my time so I am infinitely qualified to gather and compile this data.
Here is what I need from you.
What is the dumbest fucking thing you've ever posted on a hooker board.
Please provide it in this format
Title: posting a linck here would be helpful
Purpose of thread:
Total number of responses:
Number of posted responses calling you a dumbass: I do not want to know how many PM's you've received calling you a dumbass. That information is irrelevant.
Here's an example
Date: 2/3/2012
Title: Let Me Help You:
Purpose of thread: To make fun of a dumbass
Total number of responses: 217 and counting
Number of posted responses calling you a dumbass: Not a single fucking one because it was funny and I'm a five star thread starter.
So, What what your dumbest thread ever?
Do you have more than one?
Hey, St3v3... Since Zanzibar took his toys and went home, why don't you go first? It should be really easy for you although that last one may not be complete yet.