BOBULINSKI: “The FBI alone altered history in the 2020 election”

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Tony Bobulinski, the former Hunter Biden associate who came forward in 2020 about messages on the younger Biden’s laptop, said the FBI never followed up with him despite promising to.

During an interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson on Monday, Bobulinski asserted that former FBI agent Timothy Thibault—who was accused by GOP senators of having an animus against Trump and slow-walking the Hunter Biden investigation—never got back to him when Bobulinski came forward with the information ahead of the 2020 election.

“Tim Thibault, in his last discussion with my legal counsel, said, ‘Listen, we know Tony’s cooperating. We appreciate all the information he’s provided. We will follow up with you. We are definitely going to have him come in for a follow-up interview, or spend some more time on this,’” Bobulinski told Carlson. “And I haven’t heard from him since. Nor have my lawyers.”

Bobulinski in the interview again asserted that President Joe Biden was highly involved in his son’s overseas business operations.
The president has denied that he had knowledge of Hunter Biden’s finances or deals.

“There are hundreds of data points that Joe Biden was acting in—in a capitalistic term, I would say the chairman,” Bobulinski told Carlson.

In October 2020, Bobulinski came forward to the media and revealed Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business, including with a Chinese energy company CEFC.

In one email sourced from the infamous laptop, the elder Biden was named as the “big guy” by Hunter Biden because of the 10 percent cut he allegedly received from CEFC. Bobulinski corroborated the authenticity of those emails and messages.

Bobulinski accused the Biden family of being “compromised” by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials due to their business deals with individuals and companies connected to the CCP, adding that it’s impossible Joe Biden “can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have with CEFC.”

“The chairman of JPMorgan doesn’t take eight meetings down with the people, you know, analyzing companies. The chairman serves a purpose, right? He’s a figurehead,” Bobulinski told Carlson. “He shows up in meetings, shakes hands, advises, you know, has faith in his team. Effectively, that was Joe Biden’s role in the Biden family business ventures and around the world. And not just my venture.”

Bobulinski noted that President Biden “was adamant to the American people that he had no knowledge of his family’s business deals” but asked: “How, if he had zero knowledge of that, could he be telling his son that he’s in the clear” regarding an article from the New York Times on Hunter Biden’s work with a Chinese company.

He was referring to a voicemail that Biden left his son regarding the NY Times report in 2018, telling him: “I think you’re clear.” That story delved into Hunter Biden’s deals with a Chinese oil tycoon, Ye Jianming.

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BOBULINSKI: “The FBI alone altered history in the 2020 election”

berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski reveals that he presented evidence to the FBI that the Bidens committed multiple felonies but FBI agent Timothy Thibault, who ran point on the investigation, never followed up with him or his lawyers.

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Tony Bobulinski reveals that Joe Biden's brother Jim called him in the middle of his interview with the FBI on October 23 during the 2020 election. He says the agents then got out of their chairs and left the room but there was no one on the line when he answered.

berryberry's Avatar
How is the Biden crime family structured?
Who cares.
ICU 812's Avatar
Who cares? Anyone who is disturbed by corruption at the highest level of our Nation's government cares (or should care).

The Constitution calls it out explicitly as one of the 'high crimes" that rise to the level of impeachment and removal.

Note that the FBI and DOJ are expending huge amounts of money and personnel on convicting regular folks, who were let into the capital building by the capital police and committed no acts of vandalism or violence, with criminal trespass.. . . . All while completely ignoring the openly criminal activities of the Biden family (and the Clintons).

The Emporter may not have any clothes. What about an orange jumpsuit?
who doesn't care are


dimocrats of old would have cared deeply

todays dimocrats are of a whole different sort
Who cares. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Everybody should care, it is pretty obvious from Biden's executive orders that he helped China and Russia against United States interests.
Uh huh. All of you are spouting bullshit. Based on what, Bubbles claiming something that he “felt” was going on. Not something that in fact occurred.
Uh huh. All of you are spouting bullshit. Based on what, Bubbles claiming something that he “felt” was going on. Not something that in fact occurred. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Wrong Again! ...

... Bobulinski WAS INVOLVED with it.
And the Bidens cheated him and the other partners.

He has them on tape... And the deal is all-over
the Hunter laptop.

Your VP (now president) Biden had "side deals"
with China. ... Biden and his sons.

No bleedin' wonder Biden is tryin' to kill
America's energy independence. ...

... Which, no doubt, the Republican Congress
will surely Investigate next year.

Then we'll see...

#### Salty
Uh huh. All of you are spouting bullshit. Based on what, Bubbles claiming something that he “felt” was going on. Not something that in fact occurred. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You can't see through bull pucky that Biden is pushing. His executive orders reduced energy supplies, increased oil prices, funded Russia's invasion of Ukraine, made Europe more dependent on Russian Natural Gas.

Plus his war on fossil fuels increased demand for lithium for batteries that China benefits the most from.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another daffy thread based on BS. And talking to one’s self.

I rate it one Quacker.

berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski explains how Hunter Biden committed fraud by diverting money from a Chinese company he owned 20% of to an American LLC he owned 100% of.
