Reverse Ferguson night

AmishGangster's Avatar
I have decided to stage a riot with looting...oops I mean peaceful protest this Saturday evening at Robinson Town Center. We will be looting....oops, protesting the fact that Bill Cosby remains free after raping innocent unarmed white women (Janice Dickinson is still a woman right?).

David Duke will be the keynote speaker. All wanting free shit...oops, I mean all who are outraged at this injustice are welcome to attend.

(Bring Your Own Molotov Cocktail)
  • BSer
  • 11-25-2014, 06:08 PM
Can we make a stop at costco?
dynamitekid's Avatar
The Econolodge down the road in Crafton might be a good gathering spot.
Everyone knows how to get there at this point.
Haha David duke will be there?
AmishGangster's Avatar
David Duke and I are BFFs
  • BSer
  • 11-26-2014, 09:19 AM
The authorities in ferguson avoided a second night of looting by passing out job applications to protesters rather than tear gas. Sons of bitches scattered like roaches at motel six when you turn the lights on.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-28-2014, 07:33 PM
No justice...

No piece in my pocket.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Pants up, don't shoot, how about those muss slims, waiting for the EBT card to be refreshed so they finish making their booooommmmbs. This is going to be a cracker only riot? It's not everyday Crackers riot, so we have to go big on this........ Oh and no hoods, Silver gets nervous.