Waller Clinic info

txAustin202's Avatar
I had a few guys PM me when I asked about STD testing a while back asking me to send them info on Waller once i got it. Figured I'd just post it here instead of individual PM's. Some of the ladies could use this info too. Especially the ones openly offering BBFS. You know who you are. Anyways I went there recently and here was my experience.

I had thought that this is a walk-in clinic and I'd be waiting with a bunch of people and it would take a while. In reality, the waiting area is really small and you have to make an appointment. They only schedule for the following day though. You have to give them your name, DOB, and phone number when scheduling. They will tell you to bring a photo id so give them your real name.

When you get there, they will ask for your photo id and $15 and give you a form to fill out. You'll also be given a number. You will be called by this number. As far as the form goes, it asks for the usual stuff like name, DOB, address, phone number, etc .. Up to you if you put down your real address. I asked and they said that they don't send out any mail. The info is to verify your identify in the case where you forget your id. First you'll be called in to get blood drawn. Then you'll go back out to the waiting area. Then another nurse will call you into his/her office. I got a female nurse. She asked me questions such as number of sexual partners within last 60 days. I lied of course. She'll then have you drop drawer and she'll check out your junk. Then she'll give you a cup to pee into. You'll obviously leave her office and go to the bathroom to do that. Then back to the waiting area.

The nurse will call you again and back into her office you go. She'll tell you your HIV results and give you info on how to call in and get the results for the other tests. And that's it. It took 30 minutes for the entire process.
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
You gotta pay? And show ID? Fuck that. Testing is anonymous and free at 7215 Cameron Road at the clinic there.

What kind of idiot would pay and show his ID for this?
Down here in SA I went to a Any Lab Test Now location and got a full (everything but HPV) test. All of which were negative. Took about 48 hrs to get the results. You can fill out your info anonymously and pay how ever you want. I wasn't asked any intrusive questions. The nurse just told me to go clean the tip of my rod and pee in the cup, then she'd draw some blood.

All in all it took about 20min, since there wasn't anyone else in the Lab. The tests weren't cheap (~$300) but for that piece of mind its worth it.

Can't beat free though..
txAustin202's Avatar
I plan on getting the comprehensive test from AnyLabTestNow maybe twice a year and the cheaper tests from Waller or maybe I'll check out this place on Cameron in between. As far as showing my id, I was originally paranoid about it but then I thought what for? STD testing isn't illegal. And no I'm not a risky hobbyist. I won't even partake in a stripper slide. Just prefer to be extra safe.
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Wow. Not only to ECCIE members overpay hookers, but you overpay testing facilities too! I bet you guys would pay 200 bucks a month for liability coverage on a late model car.

You guys are really good at wasting money. You should consider joining the Obama administration as economic advisers!
txAustin202's Avatar
So getting tested is wasting money? Not surprising coming from someone complaining about paying $15. And the fact that you have a pic of Magic as your avatar speaks volumes.
Certainly don't mean to discourage anyone from testing, and there are some reasons to go for anonymous - as long as you stay negative. But anonymous only applies until you test positive however.

Well, you can still remain anonymous, but you cannot be treated anonymously.

Reporting of all STDs is mandated by law. And if you have a partner/spouse there is also of course an ethical and moral aspect if you are sexually active with them ....
txAustin202's Avatar
The reason I'll pay at one of the labs is because it is a full battery of tests whereas Waller only tests for HIV and 3 other. I'm guessing the free clinics are the same.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
So getting tested is wasting money? Not surprising coming from someone complaining about paying $15. And the fact that you have a pic of Magic as your avatar speaks volumes. Originally Posted by txAustin202
+1 Good call
Dick Gozinya's Avatar
Why pay hundreds for something you can get cheap or free? If you have holes in your pockets, just send a check to Planned Parenthood. The news says the economy is in a death spiral, but there seems to be plenty of people in Austin, and on ECCIE, with limitless disposable income.

I would rather take the money I would've blown on condoms and expensive testing and use that to put gas in my car.
txAustin202's Avatar
I guess you can't read. I wrote why I'm willing to pay for the test. Or do you think that there's only 4 STD's in existence?

Why pay hundreds for something you can get cheap or free? If you have holes in your pockets, just send a check to Planned Parenthood. The news says the economy is in a death spiral, but there seems to be plenty of people in Austin, and on ECCIE, with limitless disposable income.

I would rather take the money I would've blown on condoms and expensive testing and use that to put gas in my car. Originally Posted by Dick Gozinya