Is intellect of any value anymore?

I've been active on the board now for a few months and I've come across quite a few hobbyist and providers who seem to have a rather high level of intellect. Their input is always thoughtful and they seem to have command over the subject matter at hand.

My question is... as a hobbyist is intellect just icing on the cake, or is it something you look for? Do intelligent providers make you uneasy?

I feel as though a provider who looks stunning, providers top shelf service AND can hold an intellectual conversation should automatically be ATF material. Am i alone in this? I know some people really go for the whole ditz thing.
Cpalmson's Avatar
As a hobbyist, it depends on what "flavor of the moment" we have. It also may have to deal with where a hobbyist is at in their own life. For some hobbyists, they like to run the gamut of providers. and sometimes they just want a physical encounter where intellect has no bearing. At other times, they may want to connect with a lady on an intellectual basis. Then there are hobbyists who are at a certain life stage where intellect may be an important factor. On the flip side, there maybe hobbyists in a life stage that are not ready for an intellectual encounter. As for intelligent providers making me feel uneasy, they don't; although, being with an intelligent provider can sometimes be distracting from the real reason for being with her
TexTushHog's Avatar
Intellect is always important.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
i personally, love an intelligent, strong woman. i want ladies that think for themselves. it gives meetings much more opportunity to bloom to an adventure.
Mature Companion's Avatar
There are some men who enjoy a woman like that. And there's men who'd like to wipe the floor with women who are intelligent, strong and can speak & think for themselves. As those type of women intimidate those weak minded men.

A beautiful mind is a wonderful thing! I'll take an intelligent man with a small beautiful cock over a man with an unsatisfying big cock who's boring in the intelligent conversation department.

i personally, love an intelligent, strong woman. i want ladies that think for themselves. it gives meetings much more opportunity to bloom to an adventure. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE

A beautiful mind is a wonderful thing! I'll take an intelligent man with a small beautiful cock over a man with an unsatisfying big cock who's boring in the intelligent conversation department. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 12:16 PM
The best ladies are a combination of personality, intelligence, attitude, and looks. I don't think intelligence is the most important part of the mix, but neither is is the least. All else being equal more intelligent is better.
sixxbach's Avatar

My question is... as a hobbyist is intellect just icing on the cake, or is it something you look for? Do intelligent providers make you uneasy? Originally Posted by exoticentyce
It's never a bad thing but as a hobbyist, I don't care. I prefer common sense especially when it comes to discretion, etc.

I enjoy intellect when it comes to my civilian life but in the hobby world it does not mean much to me. I am renting by the half hour or hour not for life.....

I find intelligent women as incredibly sexy. Granted they can offer stimulating conversation, but they also seem better in tune with their abilities in pleasing a man. They possess a better sense of the nuances and details necessary in making a more enjoyable session.
My curiosity is if there are any providers who are actual members of MENSA? That would be hot! Just like there are Mensan hobbyists, such as myself, I'm sure there may be at least one or two providers who are as well.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-28-2011, 01:22 PM
Yes, there are.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think the majority of members are pretty intelligent on here , its a like a bonus
Every now and then someone comes along and proves me wrong lol but for the most part I think most are.

You are an intelligent one Old T I should have known you were a member
Intelligence is the most important thing to me in a partner/guy I'm seeing..
sixxbach's Avatar
Intelligence is the most important thing to me in a partner/guy I'm seeing.. Originally Posted by Valerie
Civie or hobby guy?

Civie or hobby guy?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Civie, but I do prefer my clients to be intelligent