is image really everything?

As I prepare to invest more money into myself within this industry, I have to ask... is image everything??

Do you guys really pay more (money or attention) to the girls with the high quality glamour shots and super upscale websites than the girls who host websites on or any other variation and have self shot photos?

Does the investment in high quality presentation make a difference when it comes down to getting dirty (or deciding who to get dirty with)?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not for me....
whitechocolate's Avatar
Not for me either
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good post ExE Ive been pondering this myself
No! My favorite takes her own pics and i could'nt be happier. I know what im getting
waverunner234's Avatar
As I prepare to invest more money into myself within this industry, I have to ask... is image everything??

Do you guys really pay more (money or attention) to the girls with the high quality glamour shots and super upscale websites than the girls who host websites on or any other variation and have self shot photos?

Does the investment in high quality presentation make a difference when it comes down to getting dirty (or deciding who to get dirty with)? Originally Posted by exoticentyce
Absolutely NOT, as long as the website doesn't contain too many typo's or nonsense.
Self-shot pics are totally acceptable as long as it's you and the pics are a fair representation of yourself.
But make sure that the website is up to date. Don't mention things like reviews on a site that doesn't exist anymore ( comes to mind) and gift cards for a store chain that is bankrupt (take out Borders).
A website that is too perfect and pics that are almost tgtbt actually have the opposite effect on me.

sixxbach's Avatar
Nope not at all. If one is a hot girl with a good menu at a competitive price, and a good skill set, she will be busy. If you got it, you got it.... If you don't well you.....

Still Looking's Avatar
Amazing what can be done by the Photo pros! I once saw a provider who was covered in Tattoos. Yet her pictures had NO TATTOOS! I missed the fine print in her show case explaining that she did this to promote anonymity. Boy was I surprised! But she was hot as hell... so play ball!

I saw no! Clear tasteful pictures that promote you works best for me!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I see so many negative comments like "she looked nothing like her pictures" or photo's were glamor shots, guess Id rather be an upgrade vs a downgrade. I love the look of all the pro pictures and think it would be nice to have some as I'm not photogenic and they could possibly help , I guess you could have them not air brush them.
however Ive never had an issue with my iPhone pics
HoustonWhiteKnight's Avatar
I will be the asshole.

I don't mind free or cheap websites. I just hate the m sites where every girls site looks identical except for the photos.

For under $15 a year you can have your own web name and it look more professional.

To me it boils down to this: Free Website + Free Email Address = Cheap

Looks to me like you don't care enough to promote yourself in the BEST possible way.

Would you shop at, or

When a lady takes the time to spend $15 on a domain, and actually gives a fuck enough to spend a few hours on a real site for herself, it shows me that she actually gives a shit about her image. does it increase your business? maybe, maybe not.

Photos........................ .....
I like both. I like the cell shots as well as the pro shots. Just not a fan of the bathroom mirror pics.
I will be the asshole.

I don't mind free or cheap websites. I just hate the m sites where every girls site looks identical except for the photos.

For under $15 a year you can have your own web name and it look more professional.

To me it boils down to this: Free Website + Free Email Address = Cheap

Looks to me like you don't care enough to promote yourself in the BEST possible way.

Would you shop at, or

When a lady takes the time to spend $15 on a domain, and actually gives a fuck enough to spend a few hours on a real site for herself, it shows me that she actually gives a shit about her image. does it increase your business? maybe, maybe not.

Photos........................ .....
I like both. I like the cell shots as well as the pro shots. Just not a fan of the bathroom mirror pics. Originally Posted by HoustonWhiteKnight

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-29-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm going to take a middle ground on this.

I believe immage does matter, but "immage" is more than the quality of the photos. It is the whole immage a lady portrays withh her photos, her words, and how she lets her personality come through in the web site. A very professional photo of a lady with a disinterested look on her face is far less apealing likely to get my positive attention than a poor quality cell-phone snap with a smile and words that make me smile as I read them.

On the photos alone I think poor quality does detract, but the difference between good personal shots and glamor shots is not a huge plus.
of course image does matter, image here is no different.

yet you mention you are looking for guys to pay more...

I'd say figure out the exact niche you want. clearly your bottom line is to have more money , but does that mean you charge more per session and have less sessions? or be a high volume provider that'll be less cost per session.

you've gotta find the balance you seek.

I would say the higher a guy is willing to spend, the higher the quality of the fantasy he is looking for. doesn't mean he is going to get it...but...

at the end of the day is not overselling yourself in your marketing...

don't show pics of you that don't look very close to what a guy is gonna get when he walks in the door...
JoanJet's Avatar
Not with anyone I ever met, good question. Most of the picture men do no see anyone in person much ,lol.
burkalini's Avatar
After the experiences I have been through. After all the touched up photos and "Elite companion" ads. After all the" experience the best" ads. After all all the "looking for upscale gentleman" ads The website doesn't mean shit. If you can deliver then you will do fine. If you are mediocre at best then maybe you ought to invest and see if you can ring in the dummies that way. It comes down to how good you are. Word of mouth will get out if you deliver a great product. All the fancy bullshit won't do a damn bit of good if you deliver a small menu badly. Just an opinion.