If you like amateur pics

Here's a cool website of just girls taking pics of themselves in the mirror and posting them.
Enjoy! www.GirlCameraMirror.tumblr.co m

The Dude
TYVM!. Some great shots there!
I'm not so sure it's the girls that are posting them. I'd bet that a lot of the pictures were posted by the guys they were sent to.
Ya think?? :-)
I am disappointed...I expected to see way more kissy faces in those pics. Lots of great boobs, though!
Maybe the word has gotten out.. Fish Face isn't attractive....
Maybe the word has gotten out.. Fish Face isn't attractive.... Originally Posted by DFWRaven
And the humor of it all lies in the fact that someone who never thought the "fish-face" was attractive told somebody that it was, and they bought it. That person has been laughing his ass off for quite some time now.
Thats funny you post this, I just caught myself doing this the other day.
Maybe the word has gotten out.. Fish Face isn't attractive.... Originally Posted by DFWRaven
A-F***ING-MEN to that!
benny9770's Avatar
Some of those girls look like they are concentrating too hard on trying to figure out home to work the camera. Takes a sexy pic and just takes it down a few notches. Almost as bad as the fish face. It's a digital camera, take a few for pics and post the best. You would think they had one shot at this.

Now what button do I push??

I get off the soap box now.
dollar14's Avatar
and for the ladies...http://www.ratearod.com. i posted some pics of my stuff there about three years ago but it is mostly gay now.but if any ladies want to see a lot of dick,there ya go!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
imo, the photos on that site show that you can give a person a camera, but you cant make them a lucien clergue [do a google image search on his name or go here http://www.cameraobscuragallery.com/clergue.html], diane arbus, annie lebovitz, or robert mapplethorpe.

also, could these be some of the reasons the USofA is going to pot :^)

so, how many of you 30-something and 40-something women did this when you were a teen or early 20-something???


this is one of the funniest.

this is one of the cuter ones.

this one at least has some compositional style to it.

modest but is using a dslr

very attractive woman using a dslr

WAHF ???

a few women having fun

finally a rear shot.

would like to take a tub bath w/ her.

and one of the more interesting ones.

here are a couple for O.F.F.

and one for PPE.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-14-2010, 03:40 PM
I'm not so sure it's the girls that are posting them. I'd bet that a lot of the pictures were posted by the guys they were sent to. Originally Posted by Hellion437
One day a woman will invent a self-destructing MMS.
but if any ladies want to see a lot of dick,there ya go!!! Originally Posted by dollar14
yes because we can never see enough dick!!

haha we get plenty free cock shots in our appointment requests
Different use for one of the photos.