Young Fresh meat

Is it just me or are there lots of new young unknown providers.
Kind of soon for super bowl.
Seen two that were hot in looks but that is it. I'm not impressed.
bslither10's Avatar
So you started a thread to let everyone know you are not impressed with all the new young providers? What response are you looking for exactly?
Is it just me or are there lots of new young unknown providers.
Kind of soon for super bowl.
Seen two that were hot in looks but that is it. I'm not impressed. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Which 2 have you seen? Care to share how the sessions were?
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
'Young fresh meat' offends me. Lots more I could say, but I'm learning.
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Is it just me or are there lots of new young unknown providers. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
It's just you.
Stick to the old and known because Bengay is a great personal lubricant.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
'Young fresh meat' offends me. Lots more I could say, but I'm learning. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife

God forbid I turn into a democrap and be ruled by what offends who, but I reluctantly agree. That was just about the most retarded thing you could POSSIBLY post in public man. Seriously? There IS a locker room for this right? Why on God's green earth would you post that where alllllllll the girls can see what you really think of us?
pmdelites's Avatar
'Young fresh meat' offends me. Lots more I could say, but I'm learning. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
God forbid I turn into a democrap and be ruled by what offends who, but I reluctantly agree. That was just about the most retarded thing you could POSSIBLY post in public man. Seriously? There IS a locker room for this right? Why on God's green earth would you post that where alllllllll the girls can see what you really think of us? Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
i'll sign that manifesto!!!
i would only say that to myself or to a close bud. never to a woman, unless of course she requested it, and maybe not even then.

so, would "<insertSomeAdjectiveHere> pussy" be less offensive??
Guest101610-2's Avatar
No not really. lol.
I too agree it`s kind of demeaning and offensive to be using the term- fresh meat. The providers are as human as all of us. The term 'meat' is derogatory and conjures images of trafficking,exploitation,sexpl oitation .
johnrubmehard's Avatar
With post like this bet you are on the top of several providers list ...

Have a little more class....

Is it just me or are there lots of new young unknown providers.
Kind of soon for super bowl.
Seen two that were hot in looks but that is it. I'm not impressed. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Meat???? Is this a buffet? I think not!
These are our BEAUTIFUL women in the Dallas area that we should relish to the fullest...not refer to as an item on a menu.
pmdelites's Avatar
i asked ...
so, would "<insertSomeAdjectiveHere> pussy" be less offensive??

kayla answered ...
No not really. lol.

guess i should start a thread asking what terms of endearment would be more appropriate to use ... or search to see what's already been said on this subject.
"Fresh meat" offends me. "New pussy" does not. But that's just me. If you refer to me as meat, I always get this mental image that you're going to take a butcher knife to me. Not exactly sexy....
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Traci, "meat" may not apply, but you are certainly fresh smelling and fresh tasting.
Lol. You charmer. I bet you say that to all the girls. Thanks, love.