In Need of Your Hobby Expertise!

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Hi everyone,

It's me, Morgan. Hope everyone is having a great Monday! I am in need of all of your advise and expert opinions. Here's the situation..

A lot of my provider friends have asked me to do their advertising for them. They see that I know what I am doing and I do it well. I had another friend ask me yesterday, bringing the number of girls up to 5. I am thinking about starting an agency, but before I do anything, I need to know if/how my clients (you all) would respond to it.

I have always presented myself in a professional and honest way. That's not going to change. All of my girls will be held to the same standard in which I hold myself. Our ads will have recent, professional pics and clearly stated details. I will have one female booker that will take your calls. That's about as far as I've gotten.

I need some tips from you all. What makes an agency good? Would you like to see me do anything differently then agencies in the past? What will make you call? Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks.

Iaintliein's Avatar
I think your question is better directed at the ladies in general and at your friends in particular. You need to find out what their expectations are and why they think it would be a good idea. Having never used an agency I guess I've never seen the advantage from a client's point of view.

But, if you can coordinate phone calls, photography, advertising etc., maybe there would be an advantage for the ladies.

There is a ton of work involved. I can say with some certainty that providing and keeping an agency going will be very hard work...just imagine the screening you do for yourself, now multiply that by 5. No thanks.

I personally would have no desire to deal with women's BS (you know how YOU operate, but if your girls flake out, your business suffers...not worth it to me...), but it can be very profitable if you decide to go that route and you employ ladies with stellar reputations. Best of luck to ya!
Talk to TrulySummer for advice.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Whoever runs Private Connection seems to do a good job and has been around quite a while. I would contact her. She must be doing something correct.