Providers, please don't text soliciting business

I saw a provider that is well known months ago. We didn't text at all to set up the appointment, I called her using my cell phone. It was a pleasant visit but haven't seen her in a while. I have only seen her once.

So I was a bit surprised to get a text message from her yesterday, Saturday, while I was with my family at a movie asking if I wanted to "hook up again".

I promptly deleted it.

What the hell? Are you kidding me? Business is slow so you are going through your call logs and emails and texting guys?
get a hobby phone and turn it off.
You should be flattered, you must have left a lasting impression.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I don't have a SO...I get a semi-boner when a provider texts me out of the blue...maybe I didn't make a lasting impression, but at least I didn't gross her out...
I don't have a SO...I get a semi-boner when a provider texts me out of the blue...maybe I didn't make a lasting impression, but at least I didn't gross her out... Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
+1 and to what monk said!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
There are so many ladies out there to choose from sure makes it a lot easier when they text me and ask if I'm available. I agree with what's been said if you have a SO get a freaking hobby phone!!
I don't mind texts at all
I think it's naive to feel flattered. Maybe if she wanted to do me for free I'd feel flattered.

A second phone line? Seriously? And how do you explain to your wife what the second phone is for? It's a lot easier to keep the texts hidden on one phone than it is to keep a second phone and its bill hidden.

I think texting clients without permission is uncool and if I'm the only one who feels like this, I suppose I'm ignorant of the protocol and I'll have to quit the hobby.

Seems like common sense to me, but what do I know?

If I ever got caught, I'd only blame myself for cheating in the first place. I get that. This is my responsibility. But if I were a provider, I think it would be good business to make sure your client doesn't get caught.

So let this be one opinion from a married guy to the providers out there. Don't call or text married clients unless you have had full permission to do so...please. Thanks!
I don't mind texts at all Originally Posted by tanman3210
Neither did Tiger Woods.
Just do not store the number in the phone.. you then can play it off going someone must have mis typed a number..

Item 2. Lock your phone..
cubsoxbull's Avatar
If your not comfortable with a provider sending you a text, I would suggest spending 5 minutes and shooting her an email not to text you. I'm sure the provider won't mind at all.

I also agree with the others, I would feel flattered if a provider sent me a text or an email asking to see me again.

It felt so good when I received an email from a provider I saw on Friday, saying how she really enjoyed seeing me, and had a great time. For me it's the little things in life that go a long way.

I think it's naive to feel flattered. Maybe if she wanted to do me for free I'd feel flattered.

A second phone line? Seriously? And how do you explain to your wife what the second phone is for? It's a lot easier to keep the texts hidden on one phone than it is to keep a second phone and its bill hidden.

I think texting clients without permission is uncool and if I'm the only one who feels like this, I suppose I'm ignorant of the protocol and I'll have to quit the hobby.

Seems like common sense to me, but what do I know?

If I ever got caught, I'd only blame myself for cheating in the first place. I get that. This is my responsibility. But if I were a provider, I think it would be good business to make sure your client doesn't get caught.

So let this be one opinion from a married guy to the providers out there. Don't call or text married clients unless you have had full permission to do so...please. Thanks! Originally Posted by tim mathews
So let this be one opinion from a married guy to the providers out there. Don't call or text married clients unless you have had full permission to do so...please. Thanks! Originally Posted by tim mathews
Or....guys like you and others can stop cheatin' on your wives and you won't have this kind of mess.

Only messin' with ya!
lionheart's Avatar
I don't have a SO...I get a semi-boner when a provider texts me out of the blue...maybe I didn't make a lasting impression, but at least I didn't gross her out... Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
I don't mind a bit. Just get a hobby phone and leave it turned off and hidden from your SO except when you need to use it. The only time you would have problems would be your fault, such as you left it turned on and the SO heard a strange phone ringing in the bottom of your bag or something. A hobby phone is just a good idea anyway whether you're married or not.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I too don't have an SO, but even so, texts & phone calls are still to invasive. A PM or email works, but a provider should never ever call or text without permission.
You are right Tim, it is rude of a provider to text you without your permission. Post her name and lets all dogpile her for her lack of discretion. Oh wait, she has your real phone number that is registered in your name or your company.
You feel good about giving that out to someone who does not have the sense not to text you unsolicited?
There are many providers that are very discrete and would never do such a thing. But how do you know which ones are not until you get that "wanna fuck" text at a bad time.

don't mean to be rude, but look out for your own best interests, nobody else will.
Metro PCS $49 a month, no bills,Acct in any name you want, Unlimited texts, Nuff said