A question for the married hobbyists

And let me preface this by saying that I am currently off the market (my rate on my showcase is proof enough) - so this is not a threAD by any means (I'm talking to you, Rockerrick, errrr, I mean, black sunshine)). Coed is about to become Claire's blog. You've been warned.

For the married hobbyists: Does your wife have a full-time job? If she does, then read no further. I'm looking for answers from the guys with wives who are either at home full-time or only work part-time.

Does your wife cook? Does she keep the house clean?

It seems to be pretty common lately (not just from my clients/ATF, but also from other providers) that the stay-at-home wives/moms don't do shit around the house. I'm sorry, but if your kids are school-age, and she only works one day a week, I would expect a real dinner and a clean house, rather than a messy house and *leftover* pizza or fast food.

I'm going to apologize in advance to all of the femi-nazis out there, but if your husband is the breadwinner, it's your job to take care of the home and meals. Sure, most of us would like to lie around all day watching bad TV and eating junk food. And some might even aspire to be president of the PTA. But what it boils down to is her job. Her job is to take care of you, the kids (if you have them), and the house. You're a sugar baby on a better budget, and goddamit, there are expectations. Fuck your husband with enthusiasm, keep the house clean, and find - and test out - new recipes on fucking Pinterest. Seriously, it's not that difficult.

I get that some women have children and lose interest in sex. I get that some women go through menopause and lose interest in sex. But for fuck's sake, keep the house clean and cook him dinner. Seriously.

When I tell my SO what I'm making for dinner (for just my crotchfruit and I, no less), and he's telling me that she made a 'salad' for dinner (and by salad, I mean lettuce, tomato, cucumber and "dressing is in the refrigerator"), I'm fucking pissed. He could be here with me having an amazing meal. But no, he's stuck with his sexless roommate (aka Chewbacca - go ahead, let your mind wander as to exactly which part of her is hairy) who doesn't fucking cook or clean.

Question 2: is it really cheaper to keep her? To the divorced hobbyists: do you regret getting divorced? Do you wish you had stayed married?

Stepping off my soapbox. Talk amongst yourselves.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
To answer question #2, " am a glade I'm Divorced" fuck yes! Do I regret it, no! Why? So I don't have to deal with that mess you just blurbed out

For the first question, I never really had the homemaker type. I'd be more likely to cook than they would, and none of use was really much of a cleaner.

For the second, I don't regret divorce. I didn't have any children and I think everyone is happier now than they were then. It was never a lack of sex thing, I just think we really didn't have the same goals or want to do the same things so much. *shrug*
TemptationTammie's Avatar
From another female's perspective...
I cooked and cleaned, plus I volunteered at the school and church. He did dishes, but I did the cleaning up after the kids, drove them to school and eventually work when the oldest started and he picked her up because it was on his way home from work.
Until the last 3 or 4 yrs, we even had an extremely satisfying sex life. Two teenagers and a younger one and growing apart changed things.
When I tell my SO what I'm making for dinner (for just my crotchfruit and I, no less), and he's telling me that she made a 'salad' for dinner (and by salad, I mean lettuce, tomato, cucumber and "dressing is in the refrigerator"), I'm fucking pissed. He could be here with me having an amazing meal. But no, he's stuck with his sexless roommate (aka Chewbacca - go ahead, let your mind wander as to exactly which part of her is hairy) who doesn't fucking cook or clean. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
CSB.....here's what you are missing (as the guy who's been there).....he chooses to be there. He chooses to be there until he chooses to leave. He's not trapped, except emotionally (kids, sick wife, feels bad, etc). There is nothing stopping him from leaving except his own doubts. That's the life you choose by having an SO with a wife........

Been there.....never again......
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
CSB.....here's what you are missing (as the guy who's been there).....he chooses to be there. He chooses to be there until he chooses to leave. He's not trapped, except emotionally (kids, sick wife, feels bad, etc). There is nothing stopping him from leaving except his own doubts. That's the life you choose by having an SO with a wife........

Been there.....never again...... Originally Posted by sifupsi

BTW, I never left my wife (s), she left me.

Deznuttz's Avatar
My wife takes care of everything. I barely lift a finger when I'm not working. I make sure to thank her all the time. And we have sex on a pretty regular basis.
I preface this by saying this is what I have done to "have my cake and eat it too".

I would tell, the other woman on the side, I was miserable and wanted to divorce my wife. Knowing I really didn't, just to get her sympathy. So the side chick would think that there was a chance of us being together for real. Now I do realize that was wrong, and could of bit me in the ass, but it was a risk I took to keep her where she was. Waiting on me. It's wrong and manipulative, but I didn't want her to move on and find someone else to replace me.
If I truly found someone, I wanted to be with besides my wife, I think nothing would stand in my way of that. Even divorce.

Not saying this to attack or assume it's your situation. Just what I have been through and done.

I would tell, the other woman on the side, I was miserable and wanted to divorce my wife. Knowing I really didn't, just to get her sympathy. So the side chick would think that there was a chance of us being together for real.
Originally Posted by Deznuttz
Thank you for this.
playingnthedark's Avatar
#2. DezNuttz, plus 1.
sixxbach's Avatar

I thought we came on here to get away from the wives lol

Carry on....

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I'm waiting on "Faithful for Years" to chime in.

quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 09-15-2015, 08:59 PM
so I guess that means no more http://cardsagainsthumanity.com/

I thought we came on here to get away from the wives lol

Carry on....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
This is a good example of "DICKISH" moderation. In my opinion. IJS
I'm waiting on "Faithful for Years" to chime in.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
+1 (Or more than 1).
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 09-15-2015, 11:22 PM
This sucks on so many levels. This guy is a tool.

In regards to Question 2 - is it cheaper to keep her? Fuck no it isn't. The divorce and custody battle might be messy and expensive, but in the long run that cost is way cheaper than your self worth, and your happiness, and her happiness.