death of marriage

is due to cheap sex available to men says this guy:
2short@desky's Avatar
The article makes some common sense premises. It entirely overlooked any link of a woman not needing a man much these days, particularly the educated ones.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
According to my 30-something, single son: The number of women that you'd want to marry is declining.
Sounds like an epidemic of GPS among the civvies.
Moreover, recent studies (whoever thinks this shit up) indicate a surprisingly large number of women who use sex as a reward for housework. SO a provider becomes if nothing else a better deal.
billdwyer18's Avatar
I don't know how I feel about the article as a whole. It makes sense in ways, but simplifies some other issues. As for the GPS mentioned above, I have a quick story. IA normal girl I met a few eeeks back texted just a few days ago. She wanted to come to my place and just "hang out. I of course interpreted that as meaning have sex. I turned her down. She told me that I was the only guy who has ever turned down her sexual advances. This was an average or slightly below average looking gorl. Nobody has ever told her no? Really? Either she is lying or every guy out there is making this infinitely harder than it has to be by building up less than worthy women into something that they are not. By the way, to the person who made that statement, welcome to the world of men. We get told no all the time. Suck it up.
Social media helps inflate women's egos and self perception way beyond reality. Additionally, women think that some 80% of guys are below average in looks, so they all go chasing the top 20% and with 5-1 options, those guys aren't going to marry.

Even if a women doesn't need a man, per se due to education, they still want one, kids, and the early retirement of an MRS degree. They go to college to meet potentially successful guys, not to get educated and grind away for 40 years at a job.

I know quite a few that got married, worked maybe 2-3 years and quit as soon as kids came.
Chung Tran's Avatar
those last 2 posts pack a ton of wisdom..
Ronin3's Avatar
Marriage is a religious/social concept derived to control the average drone. It's a concept that's more viable when life was much less complex and the average expectancy was 35-40 years. We're 40,000 years away from painting pictures in caves. A nanosecond on the evolutionary trail. We constantly fight between our social bondage and the primal urge to dominate, by dispersing our DNA as much as possible. Add financial considerations, today's economy, and it makes even less sense to me. My ex cost me, minimally, an extra 60k a year in disposable income. I'm contracted to do 120 24 hr shifts a year. That leaves 245 days a year to play. Do the math. Saving money, no bullshit, and free to live exactly as I please. Not a hard decision.
If y'all think outside the box, you will notice that ECCIE and sites like eccie are a woman's skeletons in the closet, that you were not aware of before you divorced her and gave her half your shit. yes, the judges that allowed this are on here too. Women are smarter then men, they don't cheat in the same town. They fly to another city that no relatives live in, hookup with P4P sites, make their cash, fly back. We are stupid enough to think they got that BOOB job for us.

(think about how many providers are on P4P sites, TENS OF THOUSANDS)
Y'ALL have a ring side seat to witness this.

It's a concept that's more viable when life was much less complex and the average expectancy was 35-40 years. Originally Posted by Ronin3
Isaac Asimov penned some very thoughtful essays about how marriage would have to change due to extended human lifespans. He noted the same thing you did regarding life expectancy - "till death do us part" was a much shorter time in the 17th-19th centuries.

Recent court rulings, especially Obergefell, have changed marriage from a social bond (or sacrament) of husband and wife, and reduced it to merely being a civil cohabitation contract. I suspect that the next step for the courts will be for marriage contracts to have set terms i.e. you'll agree to marry for a term of 5, 10, 20 years etc., with renewal options (much like leasing a building long term).
Ronin3's Avatar
Funny you bring the contract clause up. I was thinking it when I wrote my post but forgot to put it in. I'd be all for it.
I agree with one thing in the article: men control the marriage market but being the dumber of the sexes, dont control it very well.
Men are not the dumber of the sexes, sometimes especially when younger and your sexual market value is low, guys get stupid or extra thirsty around women, but keep in mind there is no formal education or indoctrination like women have going for them like gender studies classes or wholesale feminism indoctrination applies to boys and girls alike.

I say given the average age of marriage has been creeping way up to over 30 now and younger people are getting married less and less Tha men are doing quite well all things considered.

Look at the rational male book series and they go into it as well as the mgtow movement.

Feminism didn't happen overnight and the male response won't either, but the male response seems to be fairly fast and severe. Biggest game changer would be a male birth control pill. That takes the most powerful weapon, children and child support away from women.

Women simply don't have the biological imperative of men to fuck and to fuck different women like guys do.

There was the "dating apocalypse" article about tinder and how women now have to fuck or want to in their wild party years in 20-25, but this is messing up the dating game for women entirely as it is giving guys more time to realize that they have a higher sexual market value, while women are blowing their one opportunity to leverage their looks to nail down a quality guy before that guy hits his 30's and figures out he is valuable, really, really valuable to women.

Also, I have seen a LOT of mid career women that are miserable, have no guy, no kids, and no prospects of either.
Marriages are for kids. It took me 2 marriages to raise my kids from cradle through college. I'm now old ugly n single and loving every minute of it
If y'all think outside the box, you will notice that ECCIE and sites like eccie are a woman's skeletons in the closet, that you were not aware of before you divorced her and gave her half your shit. yes, the judges that allowed this are on here too. Women are smarter then men, they don't cheat in the same town. They fly to another city that no relatives live in, hookup with P4P sites, make their cash, fly back. We are stupid enough to think they got that BOOB job for us.

(think about how many providers are on P4P sites, TENS OF THOUSANDS)
Y'ALL have a ring side seat to witness this.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
That skeleton sleeps in the bed with me and my fiancé at night.
That skeleton sleeps in the bed with me and my fiancé at night. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
That Skeleton? as in one Skeleton?
Many women have entire cemetery's in their closet. lol