What are your Quirks or Peccadillo's?

Britney's thread about bloopers made me think about my own quirks and oddities if you will. I know we all have them.. here are few of mine

1. I have to smell my food before I eat it.
2. If I am at home or at friends home, I always rinse the glass or dish I am using even though its clean, this is a result of me tasting soap in my coffee cup
3. I have to have the a/c on 72 or lower at night
4. I rarely use heat in the winter other than when I wake up to get the chill out
5. I hate cheese on my breakfast tacos
6. I have to check the weather forecast at least 2-3 times a day
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-10-2010, 10:31 AM
*I can't eat in the dark.
(I have to be able to see my food, and what is on my plate before I can eat it. Dimly lit dining rooms are bad for me..)

*Unless my food will give me 3rd degree burns, it is not hot enough.
(My grandmother and mother would serve my food right out of the over, or off the stove. If it isn't that hot it does not seem fresh to me.)

*I sleep with a giant stuffed froggie. Can't sleep without it.
(Yes, I take it with me when I travel.)

*Can't sleep in cars or chairs..
(Something about sleeping upright doesn't work for me. Trips to Europe were fun..)

I'm a weirdo!
but then again, everyone has their quirks!

nuglet's Avatar
REB; I'm not so sure that's quirky or OCD. (or as I saw on a t-shirt) CDO (the letters are in order, like they should be!)
I rarely contribute to these threads, but this one sounds fun

*I am petrified of Joan Rivers and E.T.
*I have an iHome in every single room in my house. There is ALWAYS music playing.
*I scream at my T.V when watching sports. And if I'm home, I'm usually in my underwear.
*I have this weird tapping thing I do. Either with my finger or with my foot.
*I am extremely superstitious; I wish on eyelashes, kiss the roof while driving under a yellow light, avoid climbing devices..etc.
*I am obsessed with strawberry condoms
*Confrontation makes me VERY uncomfortable. Especially when I am watching it on T.V. I have to change the channel.
*I am very anal about my dishes and my towels. If they are put away incorrectly/folded wrong I will go back and redo them. It will literally drive me crazy thinking about the misplaced glass in the wrong cupboard. Aside from that I am totally normal!!

Ha! There you have it
atxbrad's Avatar
  • Everything in my house has a place........dont even think about helping unload my dishwasher
  • Dont touch my radio while Im driving. I am in control of this vehicle and that includes the whole vehicle. I will show the same respect when Im a passenger.
  • I cant touch my eyeball. It was put inside my head so it was not meant to be touched.
  • I never take the last drink of my beer......its just spit anyways.
oh my gosh i am weird about my eyes too!! I should wear contacts 24/7 but it just gives me the willies when I think about touching my eye.
I used to be worse in the OCD, my clothes had to be folded and stacked perfectly when placed in the chest of drawers, but now its not like that, slowly but surely getting over some of my OCD issues
Joel Goodson's Avatar
I unconsciously slide my foot back and forth when I'm relaxing in bed.

I hate to leave home without a watch.

I need more pillows in my bed than you would find in an Arabian harem.
I still iron my dress shirts even when they have been laundered professionaly at the cleaners.

I can't stand to have dirty dishes in the sink!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
(1) I have an aversion to popsicle sticks, wooden chopsticks and wooden spoons. Merely thinking about them makes me uncomfortable, and touching them makes me want to gag.

(2) I am always reading at least 3 books at a time. If I finish one, I start another one before I finish the remaining books.

(3) I'm obsessed with lip balm. I was once late to a final exam because I forgot my lip balm at home, and had to stop and pick some up on the way to class.

(4) I almost always wear a hairband around my wrist, and have even hidden it under fancy bracelets so I could keep it on during a formal event.

(5) Grammar, punctuation and spelling errors drive me crazy, especially when found in printed media. My favorite college professor and I used to edit the university paper with a red Sharpie, then send it back to the newspaper office anonymously via interoffice mail. Yes, I know how nerdy that sounds.

(6) I don't like receiving red roses because I think they're cliche.

(7) I don't like even numbers.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-10-2010, 01:36 PM
*I am deathy afraid of those "grey" aliens.
(I wimp out and cover my face in those kinds of movies. Or I just flat out refuse to go at all.)

Other than that nothing scares me!
I go to see scary movies with my mom, cause she doesn't like to go alone, and I never jump or get frightened, though.. she tends to cut the circulation off in my arm..

*Can't sleep without a blanket on my feet.. even if it's too hot!
Whenever I read a book or magazine I have to look at the last pages first. I too almost always have a rubberband around my wrist. I eat one thing at a time and can never mix them. I tap my foot so much that even my small child notices and says I have a problem! The way my mom shakes the ice in her glass every time she drinks a soda drives me up the walls like no other. My groceries must be seperated by cold and non cold items and don't even think about mixing poultry, beef, ect in the same bag. I will go off! I like to wrap meat in individual bags. I still wish on falling stars. I find meaning in every coinsidence. I feel lucky as opposed to unlucky when I see a black cat. I am not very materialistic but I have a corset, shoe, boot, and vinyl fetish. I own more of that stuff than street clothes. I also hate roses!
And when no one is home I'm always in my undies! I clean like that too!
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-10-2010, 02:53 PM
And when no one is home I'm always in my undies! I clean like that too! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Can I come over and pretend I'm not there?
^^ I sense a pillow fight in the works...