Biden’s Blustering His Way Into a Moral and Political Disaster

  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2021, 06:11 PM

House Republican Compares Pelosi to the Gestapo for House Mask…

Joe Biden was bluffing with a weak hand again. Faced with the prospect that America’s promised retreat from Afghanistan wouldn’t be complete by month’s end, the commander in chief began backtracking on his exit date last week. “If there’s American citizens left, we’re going to stay to get them all out,” he told ABC News.
© Provided by The Daily Beast AP Photo/Susan Walsh But the enemy gets a vote now, thanks to our rush to the exits. The Taliban called him on it, warning that his August 31 deadline—just one week from now!—was a “red line” and crossing it would “provoke a reaction.”

Biden’s counter? To fold. At least, that’s my interpretation, based on the administration’s comments on Monday.
"In the days remaining, we believe we have the wherewithal to get out the American citizens who want to leave Kabul," National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday, leaving some wiggle room with those last five words. But what did he mean by “days remaining”? Sullivan also said the U.S. was “consulting” with the Taliban on the evacuation, and that in regards to whether the U.S. would need the Taliban’s permission to continue the retreat beyond August 31, “Ultimately, it will be the president's decision how this proceeds, no one else's.”
Having abandoned Bagram Air Base and allowed Kabul to fall, Biden now finds himself in the unenviable position of relying on the good will of the Taliban to permit Americans to safely exit the country. This whole situation is a tinderbox.
The administration rolled Sullivan out before the press to spin the situation as best as possible, which included making the too-slick-by-half claim that "No operation like this, no evacuation from a capital that has fallen into a civil war could unfold without those images." The notion seems to be that the “chaotic scenes” we have witnessed this last week was inevitable. Team Biden deserves credit for being able to bullshit with the best of them. I almost miss the transparent lies of Team Trump. Almost.
The first rule in politics is to under-promise and over-deliver, but Biden has done the opposite going back to his botched “Independence Day” vaccination goal. And the first rule of negotiation is to be willing to walk away from a bad deal, but Biden forfeited that luxury with his precipitous withdrawal and now finds himself at the mercy of the Taliban.
Politically speaking, Biden is desperate for this to end quickly lest he end up looking like Jimmy Carter in 1979, but with many more American lives in the balance. Aside from the obvious physical threat of the Taliban (or other actors) taking Americans hostage, Biden’s political career is also figuratively being held hostage. Even if the Taliban proves to be a disciplined hierarchy and even if ISIS (“The threat is real.... It is persistent,” National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday) and other groups don’t harm any Americans, Biden still risks provoking a reaction from the Taliban if he does not meet his deadline.
And what happens to however many Americans, and tens of thousands of our allies, who are still there after that?
Of course, the Taliban could be bluffing, themselves, but it would be naive to assume they are rational actors. At the very least, one suspects that the Taliban are more likely to stand behind their red line than, say, we were when Barack Obama drew (and then erased) his line in the Syrian sand.
Biden clearly doesn’t want to tempt fate by missing this deadline, but what’s the alternative? The option of leaving Americans behind is unthinkable—even if Biden’s Defense Secretary hinted we might when he promised to “get everyone that we can possibly evacuate,” at least, “until the clock runs out or we run out of capability.”
Biden can’t abandon Americans, but he also can’t afford to have this withdrawal turn into more of a disaster than it already has. The obvious option is to retreat faster. This makes it look more like we are being kicked out than that we have decided to leave. We are left with a situation where some tattered group of radicals is now dictating American policy, as we hurry to meet this arbitrary deadline.
This deadline is looking more like a ticking time bomb than an aspirational goal or flexible target date. The clock is ticking and time is running out. On Joe Biden.

and ticking away on 'a' and his 'Professor marvel"!
and a sad tragedy fiden caused for thousands of peoples of
America - and millions of Afghanis
adav8s28's Avatar
The Taliban don't want a military conflict with the USA. That is why they cut the deal with Trump in the first place. The Taliban just wants the USA out. If Biden needs to extend for a week he could get the extension it. There's at least 80,000 more people to get out. They may not get out and average of 10,000 every day. Some Americans are not close to the check points.
texassapper's Avatar
The Taliban don't want a military conflict with the USA. Originally Posted by adav8s28
How the fcuk would you know what the crowd chanting death to America in the streets of Kabul want?
That is why they cut the deal with Trump in the first place. Originally Posted by adav8s28
They cut a deal because they knew Americans tolerance towards remaining in Astan was at an end... why continue fighting when your enemy is ready to quit... cut a deal and make them leave more quickly.
The Taliban just wants the USA out. If Biden needs to extend for a week he could get the extension it. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Except the Taliban told the US today... Aug 31st. period. So much for your insight into the mind of the Taliban.
There's at least 80,000 more people to get out. They may not get out and average of 10,000 every day. Some Americans are not close to the check points. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah, we're fcuked aren't we... well not we... just them Americans over there...meh, whats a few thousand lives in the grand scheme of demolishing America and establishing their glorious globohomo empire!! amiright?

bambino's Avatar
How the fcuk would you know what the crowd chanting death to America in the streets of Kabul want?
They cut a deal because they knew Americans tolerance towards remaining in Astan was at an end... why continue fighting when your enemy is ready to quit... cut a deal and make them leave more quickly.
Except the Taliban told the US today... Aug 31st. period. So much for your insight into the mind of the Taliban.
Yeah, we're fcuked aren't we... well not we... just them Americans over there...meh, whats a few thousand lives in the grand scheme of demolishing America and establishing their glorious globohomo empire!! amiright?

STUPID DEMOCRATS Originally Posted by texassapper
I think he just wakes up to post and goes right back to sleep
adav8s28's Avatar
How the fcuk would you know what the crowd chanting death to America in the streets of Kabul want?
They cut a deal because they knew Americans tolerance towards remaining in Astan was at an end... why continue fighting when your enemy is ready to quit... cut a deal and make them leave more quickly.
Except the Taliban told the US today... Aug 31st. period. So much for your insight into the mind of the Taliban.
Yeah, we're fcuked aren't we... well not we... just them Americans over there...meh, whats a few thousand lives in the grand scheme of demolishing America and establishing their glorious globohomo empire!! amiright?
Originally Posted by texassapper
Ha Ha.

The taliban cut the deal with Trump because

1. They are not strong enough to force the USA out combat wise.

2. We would keep supporting the former president of AG (the guy who left with just the clothes on his back and all the cash he could carry) to protect him from the extremists. That's why we have been in AG for twenty years.

3. The former AG president/leader gave the Biden/USA the OK to leave. (He had no idea his army would collapse in 11 days either).

As for the Taliban saying the Aug 31 is the end date with no changes. What did you think they were going to say? Take another year? LOL. If they wanted to start something they could have blocked Americans at the checkpoints. They haven't done that because they just want the USA to go.

If Biden wants the extension he can get it. If he doesn't think he can get 10,000 out per day for the next week, he should call their bluff and take the extension.

Biden won't recover politically from leaving Americans behind. He can recover from deploying extra troops if he needs to get all Americans out.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
LexusLover's Avatar

The taliban cut the deal with Trump because
Originally Posted by adav8s28
I suppose people repeat bullshit with the conviction that if they continue to say it over and over again the repetition makes it truthful. That belief is as invalid as the statement being broadcast. The above statement is NOT TRUE and continuing to regurgitate it doesn't make it otherwise.

Someone defending the Demented Fool Bitten in order to support their lame-ass worthless voting decision claimed that 13,000 U.S. had been removed .... this morning the State Department tally is 4,293. There are roughly 10,000 to 11,000 outside of Kabul. There are 10's of thousands of Afghans who were assisting the U.S. and Allies in the past 20 years. The Allies are making contact with those who worked for them. The U.S. Government is NOT!
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard on the news that Bitten is having a decision meeting to determine if the "deadline" he agreed upon of August 31st will be extended.

The August 31st deadline is arbitrary and a "deadline" is not the issue. The logistics of establishing controlled extraction bases and safe corridors to bring the STRANDED personnel and their families to the base.

I've heard 12,000 combat veterans to secure and maintain the bases, but I image double that number will be required with extensive air cover (manned and otherwise), which will maintain the areas after destroying all equipment left behind. Bitten can't keep referencing a "Trump Deal" ... there wasn't one.
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:15 AM
The Taliban don't want a military conflict with the USA. That is why they cut the deal with Trump in the first place. The Taliban just wants the USA out. If Biden needs to extend for a week he could get the extension it. There's at least 80,000 more people to get out. They may not get out and average of 10,000 every day. Some Americans are not close to the check points. Originally Posted by adav8s28

'a' - since you know so much - and are such an 'authority' - why are You not the official taliban spokesman?????
Grab a rag for the head and call Xinn - they would love to hear from U!
bambino's Avatar
What’s up with this?

JUST IN - Kamala Harris’s departure from #Singapore indefinitely delayed for unknown reason. Unclear how long she will remain in the country. Reporters traveling with the VP were abruptly sent back to the Shangri-La (Bloomberg)

  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 06:41 AM
KumHoela has a 'laughing fit" - and cannot stop at the News of Afghanis falling from the landing gear of US planes!
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
The Taliban don't want a military conflict with the USA. . Originally Posted by adav8s28
They are in the longest "military conflict" this country has ever had!

Do you make this shit up or does someone do it for you?

Were you also the one who fabricated that 13,000 U.S. citizens have already been removed?

They must have taken a bunch BACK! The number this morning is 4,293 as of DOS.