Tippy Toes

So .... WTH .... I frequently evaluate my welcoming method ... as I always want to make it a very comfortable engagement.

But I have found myself always standing on my tippy toes as I give that first sexy wet kiss.
Even in my stilettos .... I still do it.
Is this some kind of women reaction ....I wonder.

Even if the client is shorter than me .... I still do it!

Are you guys even aware of this? Sometimes I say to myself ... why the hell am I standing on my tippy toes?
Perhaps this is just a pretentious reaction? Perhaps a mini orgasmic moment?
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It doesn't matter. As long as it seems genuine, dudes don't care how a woman greets us even if they are standing flat footed... I'm a tall guy so I just assume every woman is on her "tippy toes" whether it was a sex worker back in the day or "civilians" like I only see now. Just give me a nice greetings love/lust hug, a nice kiss and show me a nice, beautiful smile and I'm good. We're simple creatures. No need to make it complicated.
Lucas McCain
.....how a woman greets us even if they are standing flat footed... I'm a tall guy so I just assume every woman is on her "tippy toes" whether it was a sex worker back in the day or "civilians" like I only see now. Just give me a nice greetings love/lust hug, a nice kiss and show me a nice, beautiful smile and I'm good. We're simple creatures. No need to make it complicated.

Lucas! Dude! For real?
First off .... "a sex worker back in the day"?
Where did that come from?
And ..... you only see civilians? Then .... why are you still frequenting this site?
although .... I respect that you've been around for quite some time now, and your input is highly acknowledged.

But I'm having a hard time understanding what your post is all about?

Yes, we are simple creatures. But sometimes there are phenomenals that are hard to describe.
The tippy toe thing just happens like subconsciously and I wonder ... do other providers have this happen?


Lucas McCain's Avatar
My post was hardly complicated. You understood it. You may have just not liked the response you wanted.

As far as why I am still on this site when I no longer see sex workers, let's just say it's an internet go to boredom site and let's just leave it at that so I don't have to get ugly with you.

As far as my use of the words "sex workers", perhaps I watched too many episodes of "The Bunny Ranch" on HBO when the workers used that term frequently. Don't blame me. Blame that Dennis Hof creep. If it makes you feel better, I can switch to hookers, whores, prostitutes, skanks or whatever other words you prefer. I won't use the word "provider" though because I only think of healthcare when I think of that word because that is a need and not a want.
Kayla Foxx's Avatar
So .... WTH .... I frequently evaluate my welcoming method ... as I always want to make it a very comfortable engagement.

But I have found myself always standing on my tippy toes as I give that first sexy wet kiss.
Even in my stilettos .... I still do it.
Is this some kind of women reaction ....I wonder.

Even if the client is shorter than me .... I still do it!

Are you guys even aware of this? Sometimes I say to myself ... why the hell am I standing on my tippy toes?
Perhaps this is just a pretentious reaction? Perhaps a mini orgasmic moment? Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I'm a very sensual woman, this thread screams sexy Kayla 🦊. My body almost has a mind of it's own when it comes to intimate reactions. I love soft touches and natural attraction. I believe it's a beautiful experience to share a woman's body that truly knows the art of seduction. Being a bisexual woman I have been lucky enough to enjoy the sensuality a grown woman can provide. And YES I do notice these mini moments of bliss!! If you focus on these small things it can make for a down right euphoric encounter. That goes for RW aswell as in our arranged interactions.I also feel that men's bodies have these telltale sings of light pleasure. If your an attentive lover these are the things that tell you to repeat an action or stay right where you are. It's probably easier for us to pick up on since we provide pleasure 💡! To answer the question ⁉️ Yes my body reacts often to sexual situations and I enjoy every bit of it!!I'll take mini orgasmic moment for $300 Alex!!
I do understand that in this type of situation you may not have the time or care enough to pay attention to these things. They tend to be more easily noticed if you know your lover well and care to make the passion grow between you. Kinda difficult in this circumstance but if you think of other experiences I'm sure there are a few kinks to be found.