
Hopetolearn2's Avatar
I know this has been asked before. Just can't find any information about her. Looks good to me and rates seem very reasonable. If anyone knows anything about her please share or send a DM to me here. Thanks guys
I remember seeing a post about her a while ago of someone getting scammed I’m pretty sure. Tread carefully.
Hopetolearn2's Avatar
Thanks, I appreciate that info. She has been posting a several months but I can't find any helpful information.
I remember seeing a post about her a while ago of someone getting scammed I’m pretty sure. Tread carefully. Originally Posted by Jamer328
if you're definitive about such info, why not post the link to it?
This spurious type of heresay makes these sites nothing more than a caustic rumor mill. We all come here for DATA, not gossip. What kills this site is authoritatively giving bad information, starting internet witch hunts, see who can discredit the next person's encounter report, etc

I have gone down the rabbit hole with Lyric a while back. We went back and forth over text, got to the point of setting a date & time and she doesn't respond. I suppose I could've pressed it and nagged, but as a client I'm not going to beat your door down to give you wads of cash (this is a problem in the area).

So while there are NO proven posts that she's a SCAM (I've looked many many times), she can be very particular about who she sees and may not need this hobby as bad as we need her. I've had the same (only more in-depth back and forth) with Shayla, as well.
I don't know Bodez....if someone feels like they remember a bad encounter on someone, I'm okay with the mentioning that in passing....if the interested party is really interested then they can do the research....

FWIW, I searched both name and number but found nothing more than inquiries - no encounters...the last encounter with the name of lyric was from 2014 and the review said caucasian....
if someone feels like they remember a bad encounter on someone. Originally Posted by Speedteacher
that isn't whats happening, though
its "I heard from a friend of my cousin's uncle that so-and-so is a sunovabitch"

this kind of drama doesn't help the stated purpose of THIS SITE.
Look at this example
A verified provider vouches for a member that was driven out of town for being "fake". Should be end of story. Except another provider comes in the thread to do the exact opposite and assert her assumptions and unfounded accusations with ZERO evidence. For what reason, other than to insert "look at me" drama.

Forums are known for that and everyone here is SOOOO on edge about "Scams" and getting took at every corner, where it really doesn't happen THAT much, though there are (Staff Edit) , but what IS and what IS NOT can be a very clear line (when we're not inserting our own drama)