carters time bout up

winn dixie's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
carter has entered hospice care at home
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'm going with the over. From what I remember- he was just before my time in the public eye - he has a strong Southern will to live.

I won't shed a tear. Just take my hat off and nod. I'll say he goes after the Spring, 'round the Fourth.

Why not? Let's play the Death Game!
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm going with the over. From what I remember- he was just before my time in the public eye - he has a strong Southern will to live.

I won't shed a tear. Just take my hat off and nod. I'll say he goes after the Spring, 'round the Fourth.

Why not? Let's play the Death Game! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I say between Easter and Mothers Day
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
doesn't sound good for Carter. from the article ..

"After a series of short hospital stays, the statement said, Carter “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention."

no report of why he was hospitalized but it sounds like some terminal illness that Doctors have told him more treatment probably won't extend his life very much so he opted to stop whatever treatment that was. hospice care is for terminally ill patients mainly to ease pain as much as possible.

hard to say how long he has left, a few weeks or months? possibly even longer than a few months.

Carter was too moral to be an effective president. sometimes doing the moral thing isn't the right thing especially when dealing with foreign adversaries. ending US control of the Panama Canal was a mistake in both strategic and commercial terms.

Carter ran for president in large part because at the time in Georgia a governor could not run for a second consecutive term. that changed in 1983 to allow two consecutive terms then you have to wait 4 years to run again. clearly Cater was considering running for president while governor and like other governors used the office to build support for a presidential run.

had Georgia's constitution allowed two consecutive terms as governor at the time he may have opted to run for governor again rather than president and build further support for a run for president in 1980. rather interesting that would have been with Carter and Reagan running against each other as only governors rather than Carter as the sitting president. i say Reagan would have won anyway.
It’s close but he’s my least favorite president. Nudging out Fat Orange Turd and Senile Joe by a whisker.
Jeez, we gotta do better in 2024.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It’s close but he’s my least favorite president. Nudging out Fat Orange Turd and Senile Joe by a whisker.
Jeez, we gotta do better in 2024. Originally Posted by Charley3

my Dad referred to Carter as "that grinning jackass from Georgia". he was not a fan of Carter obviously!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Here's a sick thought - Fetterman or Carter first? Depression?

Anyway, I hope Carter sees the Summer.

Ripmany's Avatar
So sad
Jimmy Carter was a terrible president, but he was a fine Christian man, and helped others a lot after he left office.

He is 98 years old, so his body is just wearing out.
bambino's Avatar
Carter didn’t get a note at Bush 41’s funeral.

At least he has that going for him.
Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Now China controls it. Just another President selling us out to China. May he burn in hell.
winn dixie's Avatar
carter was a clusterfuck of a President. But even I will say hes a decent human being!
Precious_b's Avatar
Not a great President.
But a good moral man.
For this site, gotta like a guy who admits lust in his heart.

It's touching to see people with different viewpoints admire the guy here.

Returning the canal was a way USA stopped treating Panama as a Banana Republic.
Ripmany's Avatar
Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Now China controls it. Just another President selling us out to China. May he burn in hell. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Nobody's selling us out to China, there giving it to China. I had a boss one time boss on a job while back say any one can give stuff away but sell is to make money on it. If there were selling us to China we would own the world. There giving it to China. Free this free that.