People need to read the history of the Constitution to understand the Congress was designed to undermine the power of the executive branch and visa versa. Of the three branches all had clearly defined duties that have been usurped by the others. I have to wonder how many little known or understood bills were signed into place in the two years of one party rule that Obama is counting on to let his reign continue. I also wonder what will happen in November if the polls say that Obama should lose by 5-7 percent and yet "wins" by 5-7 percent? What are we the people willing to do when the election is stolen? I'm not saying that it is going to work but I have no doubt that the democrats will try and it won't be the first time.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm surprised at the fact that Democrats supposedly get out the vote at a higher percentage than Republicans. Even in 2010 when Republicans were energized, Democrats still beat us on voter turnout by four percent. I wonder if the superior turnout isn't voter fraud.
If you look at the profile of a typical Republican: they're more likely to have a job, far more likely to attend church, far less likely to have a criminal record etc, and yet they're less likely to vote? It doesn't add up.