Military Spending

For the first time since 1991, the military spending of the U.S. has fallen below 40% of the world's total military spending.

I assume the reaction to this development can range between "the Chinese and the Russians are going to kill us" to "we are finally getting our priorities straight".
Still the amount we spend on the military is obscene!

But watch for Republicans to paint this as a sign of weakness since it hurts vested interests of those they fully support in our Defense Industries.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
errrr pass for two weeks
The defense lobby has both parties in their hip pocket, Reps more so than dems. Bush doubled defense spending during his administration, Where did the money go? I find it hypocritical that conservatives are against "socialistic obamacare" yet have no problem with the socialistic way ( guaranteed profit margins, no bid contracts) we contract for defense services.

The level of defense spending is a major contributor to our debt/deficit problems, yet when anyone tries to do something about it, their idea gets squashed. Sen. colburn (OK) identified $100 billion a year in cuts,with no lessening of our capabilities, to the defense dept a few months ago and it went absolutely nowhere. When the sequestration cuts recently went into effect, those effected complained about the loss of jobs mainly and not the defense of the borders, talk about socialism!
RochBob's Avatar
The majority of those listed on the chart are our "Allies" (in some cases "Fair Weather Friends") and while they have by comparison small Defense Forces. It always seems like they are depending upon us for a majority of their National Defense. This has been said before. The USA needs to stop being the Policeman of the World and we need to start consintrating on our own needs Domestically and Border wise. We also need to reduce our support of the UN. The USA is the largest Dues payer into the UN. We need to promote Domestic Energy Production (especially our long neglected Nuclear Power Plant option), Upgrade the Nation's also long neglected Railroad infrastructure to support highspeed electric "Bullet" Trains that our cheaper to operate and can get you to major cities almost as fast as most regional commercial jets. And there is no reason for armed Drug Dealers and Human Trafficers to be running roughshod over the Southern Border. We can read the license plate on a car in Afganistan from 3 Miles up. But can't spot 30 Mexicans crossing the Border? But that all unfortunately depends upon a Congress that is more concerned about Political brinkmanship than effectively governing the Country.
The defense lobby has both parties in their hip pocket, Reps more so than dems. Bush doubled defense spending during his administration, Where did the money go?

The level of defense spending is a major contributor to our debt/deficit problems, yet when anyone tries to do something about it, their idea gets squashed. Originally Posted by drluv1
This helps define the differences between the Rs & Ds when it comes to spending GOV money.

Rs prefer spending on defense for killing people.
Ds prefer spending on social programs for helping people.

It's as simple as that.....
Gotyour6's Avatar
I see your ass is sitting free and happy.

Show how much is spent on "The needy"
cowboy8055's Avatar
Ds prefer spending on social programs for helping people. Originally Posted by Celso
And securing future votes.
I see your ass is sitting free and happy.

Show how much is spent on "The needy" Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Canadian and western european asses are sitting free and happy as well, what's your point? Why don't you tell us how much is spent on the "needy", I guarantee it's alot less than 625 billion.
And securing future votes. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
That's an astute observation. All the while I thought that politicians adhere to their personal convictions and don't worry about future elections. LOL
I thought obummer was going to crack down on wallstreet greed,? eh maybe this year

maybe less throwing money down the solar rat holes for his friends

could probably help out some poor folks if he got his ge buddy to pay his fair share