I asked about this in the Massage forum, but no one seems to want to answer the query there. Will someone address this here?
Doesn't seem like anyone is bitching about anything....
Just looking for a clarification.
Thank You in advance.

Originally Posted by gaijin1969
Yeah, shouldnt the repeat reviews of provider rules be from the last credited review? I know you only insure compliance with the rules and maintain some semblance if order lol but isn't there any flexibility?

Didn't he say in the first review up front he copied it? (If my memory serves) and I took it to be kinda tongue-in-cheek at the time.... I thought the original author even blessed off on it after the fact as credit was given to the originator?

Not that I dare question the great and powerful DD! ;-)

(As I look for a corner to hide in....)

And if my memory sucks (first or second thing to go?) I will apologize in advance for opening my trap.

Ummmm, yeah that's what I thought. I figured I'd get credit for this one since I didn't for the first one that I copied (as a bit of a joke, ha ha). I'm not here to stir up trouble. I just thought I'd get credit this time. Even in my first review of her I did my own review (a weak one, mind you) after the part I copied. It's not a big deal. The reviews are here for the hobbiest's to make an informed decision on whether or not to see a provider. They're not just to get used ROS status. I feel that I did my part, regardless of the rules.
Moderators gotta moderate. That's their job.

So if I review a girl and get PA (Jan 1)... I have to wait 90 days before I can review her again and still receive PA. (April 1)
And if I review her after 89 (March 30) days, I get no PA.
Okay. That's fair.
But then I have to start the clock all over again and wait another 90 days (July 1) before I can review her for credit?
That just seems DUMB.
I agree. Shouldnt be nothing wrong with reviewing the same girl . Why should we be FORCED to have variety.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well I look at it this way. I don't mind the 90 days. Most of my reviews are the same gal.

If anyone wants to copy my reviews I wish them luck, errr and ya better take it to another area where a mod dos not know me. . ahhh then what ya going to say when mods ask ya to explain it . Hehehe what ya going to say her WK's. errrr mmmm kinda of a challenge taint it

So if you steel one of my reviews and get credit and away with it please send me a pm link. Will not turn ya in. I just and try harder ta make them even more strange
JohnnyCap's Avatar
BB answered, but the wrong question, in the review, I don't think any hobbyist doesn't understand the 90 days, just whether 90 days matter when no credit was given initially.

Kind of funny to think of it without the 90 days rule: I picture a bunch of guys similar to the gang in One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest, "I can't wait till Jack gets her and tells us how he fucked her yesterday."
BB answered, but the wrong question, in the review, I don't think any hobbyist doesn't understand the 90 days, just whether 90 days matter when no credit was given initially.

." Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
They are starting to make me think that they don't even know the answer.
I'll give 'em another day to come up with something... and then go ask on the national board if I have to.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
can anyone give me a link where it talks about 90 days

errr lookin for it I found many warnings/points that they missed on me. and a few things ahhhh not help this thread
I don't want guys reviewing the same girl over and over and over. Why? Because at some point those reviews of that girl from the same guy don't bring us (the readers) any new value.

Now I'm not going to put my foot down and tell you that you absolutely can't do can write as many as you want I suppose, but I'm not gonna hand out Premium Access for all of them....therefore I've set 90 days as the bar. You can get PA credit for your reviews of the same girl as long as they are spaced 90 days apart.

As far as the guy who wrote one within the 90 day time frame because the first one got rejected, I'd gladly issue credit for that one and my mods should too. Seems like common sense to me.

Hope this clears it up for everyone.

St. C
offshoredrilling's Avatar
thank you

every 90 days I can show I'm a nut in a fruit cake
brutusbluto's Avatar
Thanks St C for the clarification, , I have put in doctorsteve for the credit on his review.
cowboy8055's Avatar
thank you

every 90 days I can show I'm a nut in a fruit cake Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You don't have to wait 90 days to do that. We already know
offshoredrilling's Avatar
wish I could write more about another fruit cake