A Podcast By A Hobbyist - But NOT About The Hobby.

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Tossing out a plug for the world-famous VERY HEAVY UNCLE SHOW, about to celebrate its' third anniversary!

Like smart, serious progressive rock from around the world?
Listenable metal that doesn't make you want to poke your eardrums out?
70's classic rock obscurities you've long forgotten (or never heard the first time)?
Vintage comedy interludes and not-crappy song parodies?

How about fan letters to THE DEVIL, answered by the dude himself?
(He also does the world's worst standup comedy straight from the underworld!)
Caustic commentary from a 35-year FM radio veteran?
All that, and more.

Fact: VHUS is the best darned podcast you've never heard of.
Over 60,000 listeners worldwide! Produced in SW Missouri; Thousands of subscribers in the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Belgium and Brazil! Consistently ranked in the Top 10 Prog Rock & Metal podcasts worldwide! (#1 Metal on Pod-O-Matic 50 out of the past 60 days!)

Me? I'm not just some schmuck with a microphone and a laptop... Over 35 years major & medium-market radio experience both home and abroad. And twice a month, we have a LOT of fun!

Check VHUS out @ http://veryheavyuncle.podomatic.com

Heavy Playlists + Show News @ http://veryheavyuncle.blogspot.com

If you like what you hear, spread the word.

If it's not your cup of tea (and it probably WON'T be)... thanks for your time.