CNN Doc says "the science has changed"!

HedonistForever's Avatar
Well knock me over with a feather! The CNN go to doctor, just said the "science has changed". She is referring to masking children which if you watch Fox News was said FROM DAY ONE!

Then we have the new Gov. of Virginia being harassed by a zealot, asking why he wasn't wearing a mask to which he replied "we are all making personal choices here today", one of the reasons he was elected I might add and the zealot yells out "read the room buddy".

The very next day, 3 Democrat Governors announce that masks will be optional in schools.

But the race lady on MSDNC says, "they are banning masks in schools". Now was she just an ignorant fuck who didn't hear what was said, that they would be optional or was she an ignorant fuck who just doesn't care and will stick the her preferred narrative no matter what the science says.

CNN medical analyst supports Democrat-led states dropping school mask mandates: 'The science has changed'

CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen appears to have changed her tune when it comes to the implementation of government imposed restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
During a Monday appearance on "Anderson Cooper 360," the former Planned Parenthood president argued that "the science has changed" surrounding the pandemic, leading her to support the reduction and elimination of restrictions despite previously advocating for some that critics felt were unnecessary or excessive. Her commentary coincided with several Democrat-led states ending state-wide school mask mandates in recent days, including New Jersey and Connecticut.
So, did the science change or did the "political winds" change? I believe it is the latter. I thought we were told "the facts" before, now the "facts" have changed?
Talk about failure of leadership and who comes out of this looking like a true leader? That would be Gov. DeSantis.
As to the suggestion that we only discuss "facts" here, Uh.....
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 04:58 PM
So, did the science change or did the "political winds" change? I believe it is the latter. I thought we were told "the facts" before, now the "facts" have changed?[/FONT][/COLOR]
Talk about failure of leadership and who comes out of this looking like a true leader? That would be Gov. DeSantis.
As to the suggestion that we only discuss "facts" here, Uh.....
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
It doesn't have jack to do with politics. Almost everybody has had COVID or has gotten vaccinated or both. People have immunity. Going forward living with COVID probably will be like living with the flu. Wen was, in the words of the dear departed Strokey McDingDong, the biggest lockdown lover on the planet. It's good she's seen fit to change her advice. It means the outlook has improved markedly.
Ducbutter's Avatar
"CNN Doc says "the science has changed"!"

You misspelled "polling".
bambino's Avatar
It doesn't have jack to do with politics. Almost everybody has had COVID or has gotten vaccinated or both. People have immunity. Going forward living with COVID probably will be like living with the flu. Wen was, in the words of the dear departed Strokey McDingDong, the biggest lockdown lover on the planet. It's good she's seen fit to change her advice. It means the outlook has improved markedly. Originally Posted by Tiny
You should donate your N95 masks to people who need them. It’s not too late. You wasted them.
Scientific knowledge evolves continuously. Of course it changes. Because it is science. The pursuit of knowledge is a continuum, and ignoring the nattering chatter of ignorant trumptards is a very unpleasant side effect of being sentient being.
VitaMan's Avatar
Once it was thought the world was flat.....until we knew better....except in the meantime, people were executed for saying the world was round and not the center of the universe......until scientific proof was available and made it a fact. Except it was a fact the whole time.

Maybe the OP can provide a discussion how the COVID 19 epidemic knowledge developments relate to this.

Or is he just trying to make a political scalp, since he is a Trumpite ?
HedonistForever's Avatar
It doesn't have jack to do with politics. Almost everybody has had COVID or has gotten vaccinated or both. People have immunity. Going forward living with COVID probably will be like living with the flu. Wen was, in the words of the dear departed Strokey McDingDong, the biggest lockdown lover on the planet. It's good she's seen fit to change her advice. It means the outlook has improved markedly. Originally Posted by Tiny

You keep telling yourself that. At least you didn't say "and that's a fact". So in your opinion, there is no chance that the people that run the DNC and White House staffers said "we are losing the PR battle and we better change our message"? Come on man.

I thought you couldn't change "a fact"? Sounds to me like a lot of so called facts have changed.

In my opinion, no "fact" as ever become a fact without debate.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shazam! Just in time for the midterms.
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 06:01 PM
You keep telling yourself that. At least you didn't say "and that's a fact". So in your opinion, there is no chance that the people that run the DNC and White House staffers said "we are losing the PR battle and we better change our message"? Come on man.

I thought you couldn't change "a fact"? Sounds to me like a lot of so called facts have changed.

In my opinion, no "fact" as ever become a fact without debate. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Leana Wen's an emergency room physician, former health commissioner, columnist for the Washington Post and commentator for CNN. She's not a Democratic Party operative, so she doesn't have a dog in that hunt.

Now it's possible that, like Tucker Carlson, Steve Hilton, and the night time headliners on CNN and MSNBC, she's spinning in a way to sell more advertising for CNN and WAPO. But I doubt it. Nahh, it doesn't have jack to do with politics and that's a fact.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Com on man! You don’t think a Dr can be biased? They’ve got the same biases as anyone else, there’s life beyond hospital doors that effects doctors the same as it does coal miners. This chick has been 100% on message every time I’ve seen a clip, now all the sudden she 180s? The science hasn’t changed, they’ve just always been wrong.

If having a medical degree and patient experience makes one all knowing and pure as the wind driven snow, why isn’t Dr Malone on cnn? His credentials on the subject of vaccines of the current variety clearly rival those of anyone on the planet.
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 08:48 PM
Com on man! You don’t think a Dr can be biased? They’ve got the same biases as anyone else, there’s life beyond hospital doors that effects doctors the same as it does coal miners. This chick has been 100% on message every time I’ve seen a clip, now all the sudden she 180s? The science hasn’t changed, they’ve just always been wrong.

If having a medical degree and patient experience makes one all knowing and pure as the wind driven snow, why isn’t Dr Malone on cnn? His credentials on the subject of vaccines of the current variety clearly rival those of anyone on the planet. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You can catch him on Fox Nation tomorrow. He overstates his part in the development of mRNA vaccines. This is an interesting article,
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 08:54 PM
Good news!!! It's not only Leana Wen who says we should be looking at COVID in the rear view mirror soon!!! So does Dr. Anthony Fauci!!! Here are some excerpts from a good article.

‘Full blown’ pandemic phase of Covid nearly over in US, declares Anthony Fauci
Biden’s top medical adviser says Americans will soon make ‘own decisions’ on dealing with virus

The US is heading out of the “full blown” pandemic phase of Covid-19, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser said, as he predicted a combination of vaccinations, treatments and prior infection would soon make the virus more manageable.

Dr Anthony Fauci told the Financial Times he hoped there would be an end to all pandemic-related restrictions in the coming months including mandatory wearing of masks.

In his most optimistic comments about the trajectory of the pandemic since the emergence of the Omicron coronavirus variant, Fauci outlined a scenario in which local health departments would lead the response to the virus rather than the Biden administration.

Fauci said: “As we get out of the full-blown pandemic phase of Covid-19, which we are certainly heading out of, these decisions will increasingly be made on a local level rather than centrally decided or mandated. There will also be more people making their own decisions on how they want to deal with the virus.”

Asked when restrictions might end, he said he hoped it would be “soon”, and agreed with the suggestion it was likely to happen this year. But he warned local health departments could reintroduce measures temporarily if outbreaks were detected in the community.

Fauci’s comments added to a growing sense of optimism among health officials across the developing world that the Omicron variant may herald the end of the most damaging phase of the pandemic....

“There is no way we are going to eradicate this virus,” he said. “But I hope we are looking at a time when we have enough people vaccinated and enough people with protection from previous infection that the Covid restrictions will soon be a thing of the past.”

He added that he did not think every American would need regular vaccine boosters to keep the virus at bay. “It will depend on who you are,” he said. “But if you are a normal, healthy 30-year-old person with no underlying conditions, you might need a booster only every four or five years.”
But he pushed back against criticisms that public health officials had been too reliant on vaccines for eliminating Covid.

“Right from the beginning of the outbreak we were testing for therapeutic approaches,” he said, pointing to the development of remdesivir, a treatment that was “found within the first month or two” of the pandemic.

“Now it is one of the five interventions that can keep patients out of the hospital,” he added.
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2022, 08:58 PM
You should donate your N95 masks to people who need them. It’s not too late. You wasted them. Originally Posted by bambino
I'll ship them to Hong Kong. Only 32% of people over the age of 80 there have gotten the vaccine. They'll need them if they don't get the vaccine.
winn dixie's Avatar
fauxi should be in jail. fuck that pompous cock sucker
bambino's Avatar