The sure thing...

thecapn93's Avatar
A young man in high school stopped at the local pharmacy to make a special purchase. He approached the counter and the pharmacist asked how he could help. Well, the boy was a bit nervous, but he wasn't going to leave without what he came in for. He explained to the pharmacist that he needed some condoms.

"Condoms?", asked the pharmacist. "Aren't you a bit young to be needing those?"

"Well sir," the boy replied, "I have a date tonight with a girl that everyone knows is a sure thing, and I don't want to get her pregnant or get a disease."

Well the pharmacist couldn't argue with that logic and knew that if the boy didn't get the condoms here, he might settle for the ones in the bathroom at the gas station. The transaction was completed, and the boy left the store.

Prior to their date, the young couple was going to have dinner at her house, which apparently was a tradition for this girl. She gave the appearance of innocence, but was a wild thing once they left the house.

As they all sat around the dinner table, the young boy offered to say grace over the meal. The girl was a bit surprised but told him he was welcome to pray over the meal. Well the boy prayed and prayed and prayed, finally ending after about 10 minutes....amen.

The girl turned to him and said, "I had no idea you were so religious!"

The boy replied to the girl, "I had no idea your dad was the pharmacist!"
Roothead's Avatar
haa - good one!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Capn !