How early in life did you realize you had your fetish...

Euphemia's Avatar
How early in life did you realize you had your fetish...

I had a date with a fine gentleman last week and he knows my passion for what I do and asked me a question about a family member...

It appears that someone in his family loves to wear diapers and jacks off in them. The person is 18 and buys his own diapers for his fun. All I could say is wow. Then like any other child, he stashes the used things in the closet where all of us good moms can find them. This person is rather open with his thoughts and discusses them with his

I know that people don't wake up one day and say I want to do this.

My thought was that he got into this while observing a newborn or either saw some porn with this.

It made me think as to when people started their particular fetishes...

so please share as to when you started your quest and how did you progress...
I've had fantasies since a very young age. Since I always wanted babysitters or teachers to spank me. I guess I still do.
enigma878's Avatar
Best i can recall, it was the first grade. i used to tease the girls in class until they chased me and kicked my shins black and blue.
I started before age five. I always enjoyed women with pantyhose, sweater dresses and high-heeled boots.
Euphemia's Avatar
Do any one of you guys know what may have triggered the fetish..
enigma878's Avatar
i have no idea myself. i have multiple fetishes anyway so i'm not certain one can put a finger on any one thing for triggering. Some people believe we're hard-wired in certain ways.
My fetishes grew in number as I grew in years - the more I saw the more I liked. However, the true nature of my submissive self came out very early as shown by how I reacted to women. Even in grade school I was much more combative and recalcitrant with male teachers than I was with female teachers. It seems as though I naturally obeyed women more than men (yes, this trait has stayed wth me even at my advanced age). This was true even wtih family, where I "listened" to my mother and my sister much more than I did my father or older brother. I suppose this could be seen as proof that my submissiveness is "hard-wired" rather than learnend.

My heel fetish, was in elementary school - and yes, it was a Mommy thing. she used to wear those sexy 60's heels, and I would rub her feet...

My dominant thing - Was when I moved to Dallas in the 90's... Started dating, a girl asked me to spank her.... I was a bit freaked out, but curious. By the end of that relationship, I had several paddles and my next girl was a sub, we dated for about 6 months...

Put it all aside when I got married, then it arose about a year into my hobby life. Was plating with a girl and we got a bit crazy.... And I was right back in...

I remember being completely fascinated by seeing people tied up when I was 4. I had a moment in kindergarten where a friend of mine was being taken out in the hallway to be spanked by the teacher. I had a crush on that teacher and I was so jealous of my friend. Seriously, how does this stuff get into our heads at such a young age. And no nothing happened to me as a kid.

How early in life did you realize you had your fetish...

I had a date with a fine gentleman last week and he knows my passion for what I do and asked me a question about a family member...

It appears that someone in his family loves to wear diapers and jacks off in them. The person is 18 and buys his own diapers for his fun. All I could say is wow. Then like any other child, he stashes the used things in the closet where all of us good moms can find them. This person is rather open with his thoughts and discusses them with his

I know that people don't wake up one day and say I want to do this.

My thought was that he got into this while observing a newborn or either saw some porn with this.

It made me think as to when people started their particular fetishes...

so please share as to when you started your quest and how did you progress... Originally Posted by Euphemia
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
I've grown to believe that kink and dominance are part of my makeup and always have been. My earliest sexual fantasies began around age five and always involved a heroic figure (think Captain Kirk) getting himself into a bind and needing me to come rescue him. I would also pay the little boys in the neighborhood to let me dress them up in girl's clothing and put makeup on them. In our make-believe fun I always wanted to be the bad guy: the mean mommy, the pirate queen, the monster in the closet.

I still like to play pretend games and I still have elaborate sexual fantasies. I just have a different set of toys now.
enigma878's Avatar
Ms. Sophie, i always luv to hear a Woman describe those bad characters. Roleplay can be quite fun.
How old was I when I discovered my submissive self?

I think I was born this way. I realized very young that I was excited by things that my friends either thought were icky and scary or they just didn't get at all. I always wanted to play games where someone could end up getting captured and imprisoned and "tortured," and I always tried to make sure that poor tormented captive was ME.
Though I do draw the line on some things...

Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time. ~Author Unknown
  • Bliss
  • 06-28-2010, 10:18 PM
My fetishes change every so often.....I think they have changed with the different phases and stages of my life.
DallasRain's Avatar
yourslave you and PPE are my kinda guys!!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I have just started exploring some new fetish options...I think this board has helped me realize that ....even though I have done ALOT of different things in my life,there are ALOT more new things to explore.....I really enjoy giving & getting spankings!!!
I was 11 years old and sent to the principles office. Got the paddle by a woman. Haven't been the same since.