KINK and LOVING it...

I just corresponded with a nice man in chat.
He told me that he thought being a Domme was all about spanking and whipping someone.
The realm of BDSM is EROTICISM.

It could consist of tying someone up and rubbing bodies, or "making" someone worship you.
It could be talking dirty and sitting on their face.
It could be tying someone up and blowing them.

It could be "making them" do doggie and making them cum until they were spent and drained completely.

...or putting my panties on them and blowing them.

I also enjoy whipping and spanking them while we have sex too...or before while their butt is still warm and stinging!
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 08-08-2010, 06:44 PM
Keli I have never looked at being a top as anything more than a pure trusting relationship in which I take a sub to their mental physical and emotional limits and help them push those limits to new heights. It may involve anything from a simple spanking all the way up to (in very rare cases) waterboarding. However this must be done with pure trust and respect between both parties for it to be a lasting thing.
jhende3's Avatar
Waterboarding wow sign me up

Someone doesn't understand the EROTICISM and Hotness comcept
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've always thought of domination as being something that is much more mental and also has a physical aspect. So much of it, for me, is a head fuck more than anything else.

Just a few late night thoughts!

Bondage, in and of itself, I think is boring. It's easy to tie someone up and just leave them there. But most people will tire and get bored of the struggling and without input from their partner it often leads them to see it as a turn-off instead of a turn-on.

Bondage should be used to heighten the erotic pleasures that are being experienced. It's another tool in the toybox to play with. Historically bondage has been used to control and inflict pain (like Japanese rope bondage) on others. I don't know exactly when it started creeping into the sexual realm, though I would suspect that it has been around for some time. It wasn't until we started seeing it in the relatively "recent" books like Venus in Furs and its ilk that it became more widely known, though not accepted in polite society.
It is very sad that so many people are misinformed. I think I have scared clients off by advertising bdsm. That's too bad. I really wish more of the gfe guys would experiment.
Shackle's Avatar
Britney just the pure existence of this forum and its popularity is evidence there is interest in more than vanilla.
Sometimes its just an education experience. People are generally afraid of the unknown. Look at how many couple have sex in nothing but missionary (for the stupidest of reasons sometimes).

Everybody is gonna be different. Sometimes you just gotta change your approach with someone before they are going to be ok with it happening to/with them. To bad you can't just put a collar and leash on them and drag them down the erotic path of bdsm! Ooohhh... hmmm, a thought!
missi hart's Avatar
Sometimes its just an education experience. People are generally afraid of the unknown. Look at how many couple have sex in nothing but missionary (for the stupidest of reasons sometimes).

Everybody is gonna be different. Sometimes you just gotta change your approach with someone before they are going to be ok with it happening to/with them. To bad you can't just put a collar and leash on them and drag them down the erotic path of bdsm! Ooohhh... hmmm, a thought! Originally Posted by Krunkman

collar and leash? sign me up!
collar and leash? sign me up! Originally Posted by missi hart
You are such a slut.. Well, somebody had to point out the obvious!
missi hart's Avatar
You are such a slut.. Well, somebody had to point out the obvious! Originally Posted by Krunkman

oh yeah!