Erotic Hypnosis- cool!

I was surfing the femdom world online when I came across a link for femdom hypnotists. Some offer phone adventures, some meet live and many sell their mp3 files online. Many offer samples- I listened in and was intrigued. The mystery of what the woman looked like based on her voice or, if she had photos, what she'd look like when teasing me was intense. Many of the mp3s for sale, that I didn't listen to, focus on simulated intimacy like blowjobs, and others explore some deep femdom scenarios.

One domme in particular, Lady Julia, has her mp3 files online. I was at the office over the weekend, trying to get work done. I had my personal laptop, so I checked out the mp3 files. I found myself in a deep trance, and listening to the files, which took 15-20 minutes, seemed like only a brief moment. Wondering if the time was correct, I wrote the time before listening and looked at the clock after waking from trance, and sure enough, those brief seconds were actually close to a half hour. Some of her mp3 files involved arousal, and I felt aroused. One in particular has a part that elicits "release". Well, while I didn't cum, I damn near did; I laid there, feeling half asleep, mesmerized by her voice, and I fell into her suggestion, breathing heavily, my back arching, and my balls and pelvic muscles spasming. Had I not had sex hours before, perhaps I would have ejaculated. She used a trigger word, and I've since heard it in passing a few times; if I hear the trigger word spoken by an attractive woman or a woman with an attractive voice, I do become a bit aroused.

After listening, I buried myself in my work- I had to get a day's worth of paperwork done in under four hours. I did it, and, unrelieved after several near-orgasmic moments, had some very intense, passionate lovemaking with the wife when I got home.

I'd love to look further into this, and maybe will. This could be a way to intensify the love life with the wife, and it technically isn't cheating (okay ladies, is it cheating if she can get hypnotized too?).
I've never done this on the submissive side; but have been the erotic hypnotist on a number of occasions. Some ladies find it a serious turn-on to believe they have been relieved of free-will, though -- of course -- they have not. Still, the fantasy is cool for them.