Washington Examiner CNN wants Fox News censored while ignoring its own role in spreading misinformation

  • oeb11
  • 02-01-2021, 01:49 PM

CNN wants Fox News censored while ignoring its own role in spreading misinformation

CNN’s media correspondents/janitorial crew of Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy are calling for Fox News to be censored. It’s an interesting strategy, not just because their jobs center on watching Fox News, but because the censorship they demand would sink CNN too.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Stelter said it is “patently false” that CNN is trying to get Fox News kicked off the airwaves, just moments before having Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times on his show to argue that cable companies should drop Fox News from basic packages. Kristof says this isn’t censorship, though, because it makes him “queasy,” and really, he is just trying to “save a right-wing opposition.” You see, Fox News must be dropped for its own good.

Darcy is beating this same drum, arguing that cable companies should follow the lead of Big Tech companies such as Twitter and Facebook. According to him, Fox News, along with OAN and Newsmax, should not be carried by TV companies such as Dish, Verizon, and AT&T (CNN’s parent company).
This is all because Fox News spreads what he calls “misinformation.” According to Stelter and Darcy, Fox News hosts such as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity traffic in falsehoods about the coronavirus and election results. The big problem for them? So does CNN.
CNN repeatedly promoted Stacey Abrams, whose big claim to fame was asserting that Georgia's gubernatorial election in 2018 was stolen from her, without evidence. CNN propped up “data scientist” Rebekah Jones, who claimed, without evidence but in an effort to attack Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, that Florida was manipulating its coronavirus data. Meanwhile, CNN also propped up New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, primarily with a series of “fun” interviews with his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, while the governor's policies devastated New York nursing homes.
Just as Fox News had to settle a lawsuit with the family of former Democratic aide Seth Rich over conspiracy theories about his death, CNN had to settle a lawsuit with high-school right-to-lifer Nicholas Sandmann after falsely accusing him of harassing an elderly protester. CNN was among the many liberal media outlets who largely ignored the since-vindicated New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop. At the same time, its pundits dismissed it as a Russian ploy, and the New York Post was locked out of its social media accounts for publishing the story.
Any real standard of censorship, or limiting “liar’s reach” as Stelter euphemizes, would hit CNN the same way it would hit Fox News. But Stelter and Darcy aren’t interested in real standards and are acting in bad faith. Veiled in their faux concerns about misinformation and reckless media, they only target outlets such as Fox News and the New York Post while ignoring their own network's failures.
Tags: Beltway Confidential, CNN, Fox News, Censorship, Media Bias, Media
Original Author: Zachary Faria

Typical DPST/ccp Hypocrisy - without it the DPST/ccp would have nothing to post or say at all.

It is clear - the minions are being led by nazi pelosi and her acolytes and the LSM to a marxist One party totalitarian rule - Orwellian dystopia - for America.

They are desperately trying to provoke conservatives into a civil war - and think they will enlist teh military to subjugate America
They have another think coming ( if they ever think at all).
Neither Fox nor CNN actual news programs engage in misinformation. Both do fair and balance NEWs. The difference is that both have their Talking Heads or Shock Jock spreading misinformation feeding emotions. When I was still in the military when we deployed to new location one of our Intel feeds was from CNN this was before the Talking Heads and Shock Jocks took over. Fox news started it and CNN rating went through the floor so they copied it because it worked. OAN and Newsmax is worst than both of them, their entire programing is nothing but misinformation. You hear people saying they no longer get their news from FOX or CNN they get it from the Internet. That's like saying you get all you Medical advice from the Witch down the street.
I'm in the "it's all lies and propaganda to get you stirred up" section. I actually try to avoid the news.
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Shocking LOL