Highly recommend Winter Soldier and God's Not Dead.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Today was the first movie day for me in a couple of months. Got up and out for the morning showing of Captain American, Winter Soldier followed up with Kevin Sorbo's God's Not Dead in the afternoon.

Without giving away any spoilers WS will be right up COG's and JL's alley. It is interesting to see the conflict between 1940s patriotism and 2010s pragmatism. I've written that political writers create exciting fiction when they dramatize their ideas. Without giving away the show would do you think would happen if all the data collected us as individual was to come under one entities control. Imagine further that a program could sort through the data and identify individuals who could be future trouble makers based on everything from movie watching, book reading, or even the food you buy in the store. When I say trouble makers I'm not talking about criminals, I'm talking about people who might oppose a government. That time is fast approaching. All they need is the working program to make it all happen. Considering what Hillary did with raw FBI files during her stay in the West Wing imagine if someone like her had access to 30 years olds who had the aptitude to challenge them someday.

As for God's Not Dead, interesting movie. Too many times conservative and/or religious movies have sacrificed the story for the message. This movie doesn't do that. The message is there but the storyline is compelling. There are several funny moments dropped into the dialogue without being stupid. There are series of relationships that overlap without the knowledge of the participants. Dean Cain has an unheralded but important role in the movie. For such a small movie the theater was 3/4s full after 3 weeks and the crowd did applaud during some particular moments that have been written about elsewhere.
Today was the first movie day for me in a couple of months. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Give it a rest JD Idiot! Nobody gives a damn that you went to your first movie in a couple of months.

What do you want, a medal?
Everything is political with JD there is conflict even when he takes a shit.
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  • WTF
  • 04-06-2014, 08:02 AM
Everything is political with JD there is conflict even when he takes a shit. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
His bowels are conservative , his butthole is liberal.

The last 3 posters belong to the 2nd group

Realist • 2 hours ago
There are four main groups of "playas" in this psychodrama created by the libcult:

1) The aggressive, tyrranical, power-hungry narcissists who are the rabble-rousers (otherwise known as "community" organizers) and they make up the majority of the truly nasty, aggressive politicians who seek out conflict for their own personal benefit,

2) The decieved and inculcated shlubs who have been convinced by libcult media infotainment machine that they are indeed the problem and they must divorce themselves from their history, culture, language, heritage, wealth and control over their own lives in order to satisfy the insatiable demands and hunger for power of the libcultists who assure us that they alone know best in ALL things.

3) The silent majority who have been browbeaten and demeaned by the libcult media infotainment machine and who prefer to just keep quiet for fear of being singled out and targeted for personal destruction (Alinskyed) by libcult accolytes.

4) Those who know the libcultists for who and what they are and will not slink away and allow the aggressive nasty cultists to stomp their feet and scream red-faced insults and win the day. This group will grow rapidly as the realities of Obaemsiahcare affect them personally, which is why Obamesiah The One is illegally and unconstitutionally rewriting that "law of the land" daily as best suits the needs of the democRAT cultists.

The libcult will have to be forcefully stopped, dismantled piece by piece and those who engaged in criminal activity to aid and abet the cult put on PUBLIC trial for their crimes. Only then will you have the genuine possibility of overthrowing the growing threat of those POLITICAL CRIMINALS whose unquestioned and unexamined alliegence is FIRST AND FORMOST TO THE LIBCULT.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-06-2014, 09:23 AM
There are four main groups of "playas" in this psychodrama created by the libcult:

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
playas...you quoting from honkies trying to speak jive?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Today was the first movie day for me in a couple of months. Got up and out for the morning showing of Captain American, Winter Soldier followed up with Kevin Sorbo's God's Not Dead in the afternoon.

Without giving away any spoilers WS will be right up COG's and JL's alley. It is interesting to see the conflict between 1940s patriotism and 2010s pragmatism. I've written that political writers create exciting fiction when they dramatize their ideas. Without giving away the show would do you think would happen if all the data collected us as individual was to come under one entities control. Imagine further that a program could sort through the data and identify individuals who could be future trouble makers based on everything from movie watching, book reading, or even the food you buy in the store. When I say trouble makers I'm not talking about criminals, I'm talking about people who might oppose a government. That time is fast approaching. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You mean Robert Ludlum's "The Prometheous Deception". From the year 2000. Guess who he uses as his villians?

The last 3 posters belong to the 2nd group

The libcult will have to be forcefully stopped, dismantled piece by piece and those who engaged in criminal activity to aid and abet the cult put on PUBLIC trial for their crimes. Only then will you have the genuine possibility of overthrowing the growing threat of those POLITICAL CRIMINALS whose unquestioned and unexamined alliegence is FIRST AND FORMOST TO THE LIBCULT. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So you advocate ignoring the Constitution and inciting violence against a group you don't like . Again. And again. And again....etc.

Welcome back Munchy.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Welcome back Munchy. Originally Posted by bigtex
Good to be back. New computer.

Looking out of my window right now, I can see the bridge at Arnhem. The bridge of "A Bridge Too Far" fame. About 6 miles from Graves near where the 101st and the 82nd Airborne pulled off their roll in Operation Market Garden
You mean Robert Ludlum's "The Prometheous Deception". From the year 2000. Guess who he uses as his villians?

So you advocate ignoring the Constitution and inciting violence against a group you don't like . Again. And again. And again....etc.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'm very Liberal with my lamppost decorations...

Old-T's Avatar
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  • 04-06-2014, 04:25 PM
The libcult will have to be forcefully stopped, dismantled piece by piece and those who engaged in criminal activity to aid and abet the cult put on PUBLIC trial for their crimes. Only then will you have the genuine possibility of overthrowing the growing threat of those POLITICAL CRIMINALS whose unquestioned and unexamined alliegence is FIRST AND FORMOST TO THE LIBCULT. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That is some pretty dangerous, treasonous verbiage. The Fuehrer would be proud. "Public" trials, thought police, political criminals because they think differently than your approved ideology, loyalty to someone other than the state must be punished. Good job, Herr Reichsfueher.

The scary part is I suspect that deep down you DO have some of Timothy McVeigh's beliefs that selective extermination really isn't all that bad, so long as the "right" people get to decide who is a thought criminal, who needs to be overthrown, and who is evil enough to be sent to your vision of ethnic cleansing camps.
Good to be back. New computer.

Looking out of my window right now, I can see the bridge at Arnhem. The bridge of "A Bridge Too Far" fame. About 6 miles from Graves near where the 101st and the 82nd Airborne pulled off their roll in Operation Market Garden Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
A great big ol' Airborne from me to you Munchy!
That is some pretty dangerous, treasonous verbiage. The Fuehrer would be proud. "Public" trials, thought police, political criminals because they think differently than your approved ideology, loyalty to someone other than the state must be punished. Good job, Herr Reichsfueher.

The scary part is I suspect that deep down you DO have some of Timothy McVeigh's beliefs that selective extermination really isn't all that bad, so long as the "right" people get to decide who is a thought criminal, who needs to be overthrown, and who is evil enough to be sent to your vision of ethnic cleansing camps. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-Tyranny... you and your entire grievance industry is full of losers who spend their time endlessly complaining... a lamp post becomes you...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-06-2014, 06:45 PM
Well, I guess I do complain about neo-Nazi mindsets like yours.

Typical IIFFy reaction: some one points out your stupid ideas and you hide behind sex pervert humor. Being IB has apparently taught you something.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, I guess I do complain about neo-Nazi mindsets like yours.

Typical IIFFy reaction: some one points out your stupid ideas and you hide behind sex pervert humor. Being IB has apparently taught you something. Originally Posted by Old-T
You have no mind to judge others, Old-Twerp. Crawl back into your bottle and pickle your ignorance, Old-Twerp.