Backpage...Another BP Post (Long)

I've been posting on Backpage since 2009...and the quality of ads has gone down the toilet (IMHO). I see girls charging $20 for their services and when I post my ads, I get some...interesting responses (to put it lightly). Here are just a few of them:

"your rates are too high"
"I can't afford you"
"I only have $70"
"Can I see p**sy pics?"
"Can you sneak me into your house?"
"Do you offer car dates?"
"How much for sex?"
"Can I use Paypal to pay you?"
"You must be crazy to be charging so much. BBW's should charge less"
"Can you send more photos just to prove you're real?"
"Can you text me a photo for verification?
"Can I f**k you in the azz? I'm 12 inches and thick."
"Do you have a big cl**?"
"I hate condoms. I'm clean. Are you?"
"Can I pay you $30 to cum on your feet?"
"You look like a fat ghetto hoodrat and should be charging $25 an hour."
"I've known you for a few years. My current ATF charges me only $160 for an overnight

I've gotten cursed out over the phone because I refused to charge what other girls charge. I am not like other women. I am very unique and not your average provider. I don't get explicit over the phone, by text or email. I don't do car dates anymore (haven't done them in 4 years) and I don't do multiple guys at once. I prefer to focus my energies on one person at a time.

I've had so many would-be BP clients make nasty remarks about my weight. I know I'm overweight and I don't need clients making rude remarks. I am dealing with my weight issues and have lost some weight. I don't want to be a SSBBW for the rest of my life.

I refuse to charge dirt cheap rates and one of my friends said I should charge $50 to get more clients. Sorry, but quickies are not my thing. I've seriously considered raising my rates. My ads never say anything explicit, not at all. I don't use cell phone photos, but quality photos taken by a professional. I am very down to earth and doing appts less than hour make me feel rushed.

I get guys that whine because I won't do BBFS with them. I got a boyfriend and he does NOT want me doing any client without protection. I post on BP in New York...and I haven't posted in nearly a month. I've been exploring other advertising sites. I think I'm outgrowing least in NY.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Backpage is like the digital version of streetwalkers IMHO; although, there are times when you find some gems.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 05-27-2014, 09:57 PM
I find it unlikely that your skin is so thin that unsolicited comments on your weight bother you that much, or you would just stop advertising/providing altogether. If ignoring the creeps is too much trouble, likewise quit. Otherwise, give them all the attention they so obviously deserve.

Or hey, do like you said, and stop advertising on BP. That will guarantee you only the cream of the crop, right?

Any advertising site will get it's share of whack-a-doodles. Both those advertising, and those perusing the advertisements.

BP seems to get a bad rap, but mostly from providers in those areas that are well served by another site. Other places, it's the main place for providers to advertise, and the other options are unknown or underused.

Try not using it for a while. See how things go, then decide. If it's more trouble than it's worth, give it the old heave-ho.
When I travel out of state, I post on Backpage and I get a better response from clients. I shouldn't let weight comments bother me. I've been providing for a long time and I can't let people get under my skin.
Making no assumptions about how much you earn, my advice would be to get an assistant, if that seems realistic for you. Not only will you have more time to focus on clients because of the HOURS she saves you by handling your advertising and screening, but she can filter out all that rude noise before you even hear/read it. Works great for peace of mind and self-esteem. Plus, two heads are always better than one when it comes to business ideas and marketing. I'm sorry that you have to read such terrible comments. No matter what LNK might think, I know comments like that can still be irritating and frustrating and bring your mood down long after they stop being painful (if ever). Try to find a way to distance yourself from them, so you can focus solely on the viable clients.
DangedDragon's Avatar
XoticSynn, let me take a look at your Backpage ads.

It could be by changing your copy, images, and style that you could position yourself as the Queen Bee of your area and get people begging to pay your rates.

Sometimes its not the platform, but the way you leverage the platform.

CarolineDavenport makes an excellent suggestion, too. You could easily get a virtual assistant for under $300 per month who would post all of your ads, screen emails, and deal with the "jerks".
Umm... Maybe not $300/mo. $300/wk is more likely. Maybe even $200/wk. I've never heard of an assistant only charging $300/mo.
DangedDragon's Avatar
lol, depends on where they sit...

If they are sitting overseas, you can find them for under $300/month for 80 hours per month, or around $500/month for 160 hours.
Shoot , I' all run my own business at no financial cost and sake of trust and discretion.

To the OP, try diversifying your means of advertising, you have a huge market, so discover how to target it...efficiently.

Stay positive and safe!
I would post the link to my BP ad here...but I'm not sure if that's allowed.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Umm... Maybe not $300/mo. $300/wk is more likely. Maybe even $200/wk. I've never heard of an assistant only charging $300/mo. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Hot dog! $1,200 a month from 1 client! 3 clients would be $3,600?!?! That seems excessively expensive. Lots of assistants that work in the corporate world, 40 hours a week, handling 100's of calls, emails and tasks each day are lucky to be making $2,500 a month and they still lose a fair chunk of that to uncle Sam.

Maybe I should get into this "provider assistant" thing
$250/wk was the average quote I received when I was shopping for an assistant. You can find GREAT assistants for less, or HORRIBLE assistants for more, so you just have to be a smart shopper.

$250/wk doesn't seem at all excessive to me. Especially if she is good. For a lot of us, that's only one appointment. One appointment a week investment in freeing up hours and hours of marketing, screening, and correspondence? If you get a good assistant, she should help boost your business by at least enough to pay for herself. Obviously, I'm willing to make that deal all day. Other ladies have to make their own decisions.

Sorry to hijack your thread, Synn. Didn't really mean for it to turn into a discussion on assistants. Hope things are looking up for you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
The problem is not BP .... it's the fact that you're even entertaining their crap for 1/2 a second.

I've been posting there for years and love it. I love how kind and unjaded the gents can be. They really make me feel appreciated and understand it's hard to find a clean, punctual, articulate working girl that actually enjoys their company and enjoys doing their job.

However on the exact opposite end of that, I do get the obscene emails, text messages and calls from time to time but I ignore, block or hang up so fast that what they are attempting to say to me doesn't even get a chance to enter my brain ...

If I get a text that says you're a fat ______,_______,_______, I stop reading as soon as I get to the first derogatory word, block 'em, delete the message and move on.

The same goes for the emails I receive ... The first derogatory word I read, I stop reading and never look back. Me and only me gets to control what I feed my brain.

If they call my phone, 80% of the time I can hear the nasty undertone in their voice and I hang up before they can even spew a hateful word, but if I don't catch it, I just hang up upon the first derogatory word I hear.

This is really a simple practice to implement.

I've been posting on Backpage since 2009...and the quality of ads has gone down the toilet (IMHO). I see girls charging $20 for their services and when I post my ads, I get some...interesting responses (to put it lightly). Here are just a few of them:

"your rates are too high"
"I can't afford you"
"I only have $70"
"Can I see p**sy pics?"
"Can you sneak me into your house?"
"Do you offer car dates?"
"How much for sex?"
"Can I use Paypal to pay you?"
"You must be crazy to be charging so much. BBW's should charge less"
"Can you send more photos just to prove you're real?"
"Can you text me a photo for verification?
"Can I f**k you in the azz? I'm 12 inches and thick."
"Do you have a big cl**?"
"I hate condoms. I'm clean. Are you?"
"Can I pay you $30 to cum on your feet?"
"You look like a fat ghetto hoodrat and should be charging $25 an hour."
"I've known you for a few years. My current ATF charges me only $160 for an overnight

I've gotten cursed out over the phone because I refused to charge what other girls charge. I am not like other women. I am very unique and not your average provider. I don't get explicit over the phone, by text or email. I don't do car dates anymore (haven't done them in 4 years) and I don't do multiple guys at once. I prefer to focus my energies on one person at a time.

I've had so many would-be BP clients make nasty remarks about my weight. I know I'm overweight and I don't need clients making rude remarks. I am dealing with my weight issues and have lost some weight. I don't want to be a SSBBW for the rest of my life.

I refuse to charge dirt cheap rates and one of my friends said I should charge $50 to get more clients. Sorry, but quickies are not my thing. I've seriously considered raising my rates. My ads never say anything explicit, not at all. I don't use cell phone photos, but quality photos taken by a professional. I am very down to earth and doing appts less than hour make me feel rushed.

I get guys that whine because I won't do BBFS with them. I got a boyfriend and he does NOT want me doing any client without protection. I post on BP in New York...and I haven't posted in nearly a month. I've been exploring other advertising sites. I think I'm outgrowing least in NY.
Originally Posted by XoticSynn
XoticSynn, I too get some hate thrown at me from time to time and it does hurt when they get personal (about my weight or age or whatever they decided to pick on). It is so easy for these weak people to hide behind their computer or cell phone and spew hate.

When I get a hate email, I try to think how sad and pathetic their lives must be to do this. I know I have plenty of positive people in my life who love me just the way I am and it sounds like you do as well.