Your Dezire is on the injured list for now...

Guest062716's Avatar
After a fall and a visit to the local ER, the Doctors have found two fractures in Dezire's shoulder. She has to return to the hospital to see an orthopedic surgeon for corrective surgery.

As a result, she is in a lot of pain and obviously out of commission, and sends her profound apologies to her clients.

I would like to ad that if anyone is interested in providing any help for Dezire, that they contact JustTheresa69. Food, gift cards, cash are all accepted. Theresa has volunteered to deliver help and to check in on her.

I know I am not alone when I say our prayers and well wishes are with Dezire at this time.

ffireman's Avatar
just my luck every F*&king time
So sorry to hear this! You are in our hearts and prayers, Dezire!